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I hate that a man's word means nothing anymore...


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2004
So I found a smoking deal on a set of almost new 35" Boggers for my brother and called about them. Told the guy I was out of town Friday and Saturday but I would be up on Sunday to get them. He told me they were at his mom's house, but just to call when I'm on my way and he would give me directions. Called yesterday to let him know I'm leaving the house... I get "sorry man, already sold 'em". %) I would probably understand if I told him I "might" come up to look at them or something, but I told him I would be there Sunday to actually pick them up.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2004
that does suck, but when i was selling cars i dont know how many times i heard the "oh i'll be back tommorow" or "I'm coming down with cash and i'll pick it up this weekend" and you never here from or see them again. Without having a deposit or some way of knowing for sure that you would come back i would have probably sold them to the first person with cash. Your probably an honest guy, but the masses of idiots have screwed it up for the rest of us.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI
i agree that it sux BUT unless you had some cash as a deposit and an agreement made 100% I can't say I blame the guy AT ALL!

It seems the guy who ended up buy'n them wanted them worse than you, and if a scale of wanting = fairness then it appears as though the person who wanted them more got them.

I agree that it is too bad that you CAN'T take people at their word, but TRUST ME, there are a LOT MORE folks that say I'll be there or I'll come back at a later time to buy and end up leave'n ya high n dry.

I have experienced the dissapointment on both sides of this fence and although it grinds ya a lil at the time, I am SURE we have all been guilty of it to some point.

sry ya waited too long and missed out on yer Bro's treads.... better luck next time ;)



Bronco Guru
Jun 1, 2005
Yup - money talks.

I just got screwed by taking someone's word when trying to sell my car last week.

They came out, test drove it and scratched the rim when parking it (idiot!). Then agreed to buy the car and would call tomorrow to come and get it and if for some reason he couldn't buy it he would pay for the damage to the wheel. No call. No response to emails, nothing but me left with a damaged wheel and a feeling that I can't trust anyone's word anymore.

It's actually quite sad.


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2004
yea ya'll are right...money talks for sure. if there was any way i could have gotten out there to get the tires from Fri-Sat i would have.... but i'll miss out on a set of tires any day rather than miss a camping trip w/ my wife.

i guess i just hate the fact that you can't trust anyone anymore makes it hard for the honest guy sometimes.


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
I have shot over paypal payments to people for parts sometimes to hold them (have had people do that with me as well). You do run a little risk with that also though. As others have said I have had way too many people call and say they will take a part and to hold it for them, etc till they get paid or get over with the money and then never show. I DO try to give them the benefit of the doubt and try and hold things for them still even though I have gotten burned before. I figure its like this...If I want someone to do that for me, I should be willing to do it for someone else.


Sr. Member
Jul 6, 2006
Northwestern OK
Sadly, the only time anybodies word means much of anything to me anymore is when it comes from friends that I have known for a long long time & KNOW they are a man of their word. NOT acquaintances, FRIENDS. I heard it time and time again when I was trying to sell my '67 Cougar. They would say they were gonna be there on a day when I had plans, I would cancel those plans & then they would never show. Its a real shame that so many out there ruin it for the honest man.


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
I have shot over paypal payments to people for parts sometimes to hold them (have had people do that with me as well). You do run a little risk with that also though. As others have said I have had way too many people call and say they will take a part and to hold it for them, etc till they get paid or get over with the money and then never show. I DO try to give them the benefit of the doubt and try and hold things for them still even though I have gotten burned before. I figure its like this...If I want someone to do that for me, I should be willing to do it for someone else.

My experience also, to the tenth degree. People beg and plead about how BAD they need something, and then never call you back????


Bronco Guru
Jun 26, 2007
Marshall, AR
So I found a smoking deal on a set of almost new 35" Boggers for my brother and called about them. Told the guy I was out of town Friday and Saturday but I would be up on Sunday to get them. He told me they were at his mom's house, but just to call when I'm on my way and he would give me directions. Called yesterday to let him know I'm leaving the house... I get "sorry man, already sold 'em". %) I would probably understand if I told him I "might" come up to look at them or something, but I told him I would be there Sunday to actually pick them up.

Did he tell you for sure that he would hold them for you? If so, then yeah...he's a liar and you're probably better off not dealing with him.

If he didn't say he would hold them, then I don't blame him for selling them to the first guy with cash.

Most of the old timers are trust worthy, but how many old timers out there have a set of 35" boggers for sale. %)


Bronco Guru
Oct 16, 2004
I used to hold stuff for people, but Craigslist cured me of that. Now, I'm very upfront..."call me first before you head out, it's first come, first served". No room for confusion there.


Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2005
So I found a smoking deal on a set of almost new 35" Boggers for my brother and called about them. Told the guy I was out of town Friday and Saturday but I would be up on Sunday to get them. He told me they were at his mom's house, but just to call when I'm on my way and he would give me directions. Called yesterday to let him know I'm leaving the house... I get "sorry man, already sold 'em". %) I would probably understand if I told him I "might" come up to look at them or something, but I told him I would be there Sunday to actually pick them up.

Sorry to call you out Bro, but does the same apply if you buy something and dont show up or make arrangements to get it after you say you cant make it? I had a radiator listed and you Pm'd me TWICE and we agreed on the same price TWICE. The first time you never made arrangements to get it. The second time you said you were coming up that weekend, a few days later you said something came up, but now I havent heard from you.

Turn about is fair play, as they say.

It's all good though Bro, seriously.


Sr. Member
Nov 19, 2004
nah i dont mind you calling me out tmack... i actually thought about the fact that still have to take care of that when i posted this morning. probably better off just to ship it...thought i would save a buck to go pick it up but i have no idea when i could get out your way again since i couldnt last week.

PM'ing you ;D


Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2005
nah i dont mind you calling me out tmack... i actually thought about the fact that still have to take care of that when i posted this morning. probably better off just to ship it...thought i would save a buck to go pick it up but i have no idea when i could get out your way again since i couldnt last week.

PM'ing you ;D

Like I said Bro, It's all good!

I will ship it to you for the price we agreed on, no extra charge!:eek:


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
If he did not intend to hold it for you he should have said so. Maybe with the caveat: "the first one who shows up with money gets it" would do. Otherwise, he's a liar.
I sold some retaining wall bricks over craigslist this summer, and it took 12 people who "absolutely want them" over the span of 7 days for one to finally show up with 60 bucks and a pickup truck.

75 Ranger

Sr. Member
Jul 23, 2008
On the other hand...

The sweet lady (original owner) of the Bronco I bought, held it for me for over a month before I was able to get to Oregon. All on my word that I wanted to buy the Bronco, but wanted to see it first. I offered a generous non refundable deposit, but she said my word was enough.
I ended up giving her every penny she wanted for the Bronco and didn't haggle. She even told me that she had other people wanting the Bronco if i didn't buy it. I gave her my word I would come and she gave me hers that she would hold it for me.

If we all kept our word, we would all be in a better world. Live and learn. ;)