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i have a problem, bear with me...


Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
this is just a note to a few people i owe parts to. i had planned on shipping some parts out this coming monday, that may not be able to happen now. the state of texas tapped my bank account last night for back child support, now my bank account is completely empty. i had a little under $300 in there, just enough to get me by on gas and food money till the next paycheck. my balance as of this morning is $000000000.00!!!

parts shipments are going to be delayed a little bit linger. thankfully i bought a few groceries yesterday before they drained me, but this could mean me losing my job now. kellie's mom is gonna give me $40 she owes me today, so that'll help me out for a few days.

please bear with me, i'll get your parts out as soon as i can. thank you for your patience.

Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
this is just a note to a few people i owe parts to. i had planned on shipping some parts out this coming monday, that may not be able to happen now. the state of texas tapped my bank account last night for back child support, now my bank account is completely empty. i had a little under $300 in there, just enough to get me by on gas and food money till the next paycheck. my balance as of this morning is $000000000.00!!!

parts shipments are going to be delayed a little bit linger. thankfully i bought a few groceries yesterday before they drained me, but this could mean me losing my job now. kellie's mom is gonna give me $40 she owes me today, so that'll help me out for a few days.

please bear with me, i'll get your parts out as soon as i can. thank you for your patience.

WOW, that sucks! Y'all been here for what?? 2 months/ 3 months and all of a sudden they want back child support? Did the mother file for that years ago or something?? Sure it's not some sort of back taxes or something like that? The state doesn't take the money, only the feds do (even when collecting for back payments on deadbeat dads).
either way I'd look into it and see where that money went, it just ain't right for them to just grab your money!!!



Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
i knew about the child support, and yes it's the state that took it. i got a letter from my bank today.


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
Texas is probably like NY. Once you owe child support there is nothing the other parent can do to stop the state from collecting.
Keep your head up!


Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
oh susie has done nothing to offer to help me with this, you kidding? next my checks will be getting money taken out of them, i already know that. i've tried contacting the atty general and they don't return calls. not too surprised...

the bronco is about to go into hiding so they don't try and come and get that, under seizable assets.

Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
i knew about the child support, and yes it's the state that took it. i got a letter from my bank today.

Boy, that's tuff! I know that here in Texas it's tough on that stuff, but that darn right nasty! I looked at the Texas AG's site, I still don't see where they can take your money, garnish yes, lien yes, but take it outright is not listed

"If a non-custodial parent does not pay child support, he or she is subject to enforcement measures to collect regular and past-due payments. The Child Support Division uses many techniques to enforce child support orders, including:

requiring employers to deduct court-ordered child support from the non-custodial parent's paycheck through wage withholding;
intercepting federal income tax refund checks, lottery winnings, or other money that may be due from state or federal sources;
filing liens against his or her property or other assets;
suspending driver’s, professional, and hunting and fishing licenses; and
filing a lawsuit against the non-custodial parent asking the court to enforce its order.
A judge may sentence a nonpaying parent to jail and enter a judgment for past due child support."

Straight form the Texas AG's site



Bronco Guru
Dec 1, 2005
Irvine CA
Boy, that's tuff! I know that here in Texas it's tough on that stuff, but that darn right nasty! I looked at the Texas AG's site, I still don't see where they can take your money, garnish yes, lien yes, but take it outright is not listed

"If a non-custodial parent does not pay child support, he or she is subject to enforcement measures to collect regular and past-due payments. The Child Support Division uses many techniques to enforce child support orders, including:

requiring employers to deduct court-ordered child support from the non-custodial parent's paycheck through wage withholding;
intercepting federal income tax refund checks, lottery winnings, or other money that may be due from state or federal sources;
filing liens against his or her property or other assets;
suspending driver’s, professional, and hunting and fishing licenses; and
filing a lawsuit against the non-custodial parent asking the court to enforce its order.
A judge may sentence a nonpaying parent to jail and enter a judgment for past due child support."

Straight form the Texas AG's site


Wierd. How do they think suspending someones drivers license would help them to collect child support? Making it difficult for someone to keep/get employment seems counter-productive.%)

Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
Wierd. How do they think suspending someones drivers license would help them to collect child support? Making it difficult for someone to keep/get employment seems counter-productive.%)

I here y'all, it doesn't make sense. Here's the link to the Texas AG's site Ben, maybe you can findout a little more on who took your money and why.


What if the child's non-custodial parent lives in another state?
The law requires states to cooperate with each other. The non-custodial parent is legally required to make regular child support payments, no matter where he or she lives.

What if the non-custodial parent gets behind in child support payments or refuses to pay?
If a non-custodial parent does not pay child support, he or she is subject to enforcement measures to collect regular and past-due payments. The Child Support Division uses many techniques to enforce child support orders, including:

requiring employers to deduct court-ordered child support from the non-custodial parent's paycheck through wage withholding;
intercepting federal income tax refund checks, lottery winnings, or other money that may be due from state or federal sources;
filing liens against his or her property or other assets;
suspending driver’s, professional, and hunting and fishing licenses; and
filing a lawsuit against the non-custodial parent asking the court to enforce its order.
A judge may sentence a nonpaying parent to jail and enter a judgment for past due child support.

License Suspension
Who is affected by the license suspension law?
Non-custodial parents who hold a state license, owe more than three months of past-due child support, and are not in compliance with an existing court-ordered or voluntary repayment schedule face license suspension.

What types of licenses are usually suspended?
Most adults have a driver’s licenses. Computer matches can determine which obligors have other licenses and permits ranging from medical, dental, and law licenses to hunting and fishing licenses.

How many licensing agencies are involved?
The statute identifies 60 licensing agencies. However, this list is not exclusive. For example, “licensing authority” includes political subdivisions and any other board or agency not listed by name.

How does the process work?
The Attorney General’s Child Support Division matches its caseload with computer tapes from different licensing agencies. When the match shows an obligor who meets the statutory criteria for license suspension as holding one or more of the identified licenses, the Office of the Attorney General will provide the license holder with a warning and an opportunity to resolve the outstanding delinquency.

If the obligor fails to respond, the Child Support Division will confirm the location of the obligor and other information necessary to suspend the license and then refer the case for administrative or judicial prosecution."

You haven't even had a Texas id for a month now and they weren't after you before in cali, so it just doesn't make any sense that they would get you that fast without first notifiying you of thier intentions (that's the way it's worked in the past for my friends here at least).



Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
you're right, it doesn't make any sense. that means someone has to be making phone calls or something. i had 2 bank accounts in cali for 6 or 7 years, and had $3000 in savings. it never got touched. at least i got to live off it before they took it, i think they only got like $200. still i needed that money to live off of.

if i do get my money back, i'm taking it out and closing my bank account. in the statement the bank charged me an $85 processing fee and don't say what for. BS!!!!!


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
WOW, that sucks! Y'all been here for what?? 2 months/ 3 months and all of a sudden they want back child support? Did the mother file for that years ago or something?? Sure it's not some sort of back taxes or something like that? The state doesn't take the money, only the feds do (even when collecting for back payments on deadbeat dads).
either way I'd look into it and see where that money went, it just ain't right for them to just grab your money!!!


in OK they will and do take your state income tax and your stimulus check%)
the drivers license thing never did make any sense, hey but I only owe 1800.00 more in back child support%) I had court on monday over this:-[

Dark Star

New Member
Jul 27, 2006
Central USA
you're right, it doesn't make any sense. that means someone has to be making phone calls or something. i had 2 bank accounts in cali for 6 or 7 years, and had $3000 in savings. it never got touched. at least i got to live off it before they took it, i think they only got like $200. still i needed that money to live off of.

if i do get my money back, i'm taking it out and closing my bank account. in the statement the bank charged me an $85 processing fee and don't say what for. BS!!!!!

Well good luck!! Y'all will need it to get your money back, damn near impossible once they got it. This just doesn't make sense still. This means the mother filed years ago for child support, but they never tried to get it from you when in cali. Now you move here, even get a Texas drivers licsense (to which the AG says they'll suspend due to non payment of child support so they should've right then & there inform you of this), they all of a sudden take your money?? I beleive that the feds took it, but the state almost never will take it without at least contacting you to see if you will make it good. If I were you, I'd be talking with those lawyers you were talking with before, this just doesn't make any reasonable sense.



Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
i talked to one lawyer, one time. when i tried to contact him when i got back from cali he never called me back. funny all this stuff has been happening since i got back last month...


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Well good luck!! Y'all will need it to get your money back, damn near impossible once they got it. This just doesn't make sense still. This means the mother filed years ago for child support, but they never tried to get it from you when in cali. Now you move here, even get a Texas drivers licsense (to which the AG says they'll suspend due to non payment of child support so they should've right then & there inform you of this), they all of a sudden take your money?? I beleive that the feds took it, but the state almost never will take it without at least contacting you to see if you will make it good. If I were you, I'd be talking with those lawyers you were talking with before, this just doesn't make any reasonable sense.


yep they can do it. a few months ago the DHS froze and took my bank account no warning or nothing, too bad they got the spare bank account with only $32.00 in it;D heard they go by alphabetical order and it was arvest;D never tried another one