Just a Bronco guy !
Hit my local yard this morning. I need a wiring harness from right side firewall to front , some brown arm rests, and a couple of odds and ends. Man, I found arm rests in every color but brown ( tan ) . I found blue ones, grey ones , red ones, and some really light tan ones but no dark tan
. Picked up some cherry window cranks and door cups though. No wiring harness either.
, guess I'm going to have to fix mine.
You guys would have been proud of me. They had cars / trucks stacked up to crush ( THREE HIGH ) and I climbed to the top of the pile to check a van for armrests but they were light tan. I took them anyway because I was up there ;D .
All three early Broncos are pretyy much picked clean thanks to me ;D . Hey Ken75ranger, if you want that steering box you better go get it. Those Broncos are looking pretty tempting to the crusher right now.
You guys would have been proud of me. They had cars / trucks stacked up to crush ( THREE HIGH ) and I climbed to the top of the pile to check a van for armrests but they were light tan. I took them anyway because I was up there ;D .
All three early Broncos are pretyy much picked clean thanks to me ;D . Hey Ken75ranger, if you want that steering box you better go get it. Those Broncos are looking pretty tempting to the crusher right now.