Similar circumstance, with an added twist...... C4 tranny, easy enuff, but I went with a 1987 F150 tilt steering coloumn, so that muddied the water a bit. I also wanted to ditch the foot pedal e-brake because - well, just because. And I wanted a center console because, well, just because. I did buy a Pinto hand e-brake figuring I'd flesh it out eventually, but I switched course.
Instead of fleshing out the Pinto e-brake' I started wandering thru pick-n-pulls for something Ford that was closer to what I had in mind. Found a Ford model with a console mount shifter and e-brake. So far so good, but the console mount late model shifter didn't want to play nice with the vintage C4. Made another course correction and picked up a Pinto/Mustang II C4 console shifter and bezel and a hand e-brake lever from the late model p & p Ford. Had to elevate the shifter and e-brake a bit to accomodate the console.
Fabricated the e-brake and shifter mounts and a bracket to hold the shift cable.
Had to modify the console a bit because Ford apparently didn't plan it going in an EB. No big deal, just need some plastic paint to pretty it up a bit.
Put a few of the factory pieces and parts back together, and the C4 bezel in place.
The shifter bezel adds a nice period look, imho. The tranny shift knob, TC shift knob, and the heated seat switches still need tweaking, as does the radio.
The shifter knobs are windshield knobs I bought used on Ebuy. They match the instrument panel knobs. Had a machinist buddy modify one to go atop the Hurst shifter I'm using for the TC. Still need to get a vision for the C4 shifter knob. Where there' a will, there's a way.
Gotta fine tune some knobs, and configure the TC shifter, and get the radio installed somehow. One day at a time, one project at a time.
Howard in beautiful and blizzardy and blustery west Michigan.