Was that you asking about shroud straps a week or two ago mduenas?
I popped back in to bring that up, but I see a couple of others have already done so. I was just thinking that the "straps" you mentioned were in fact just spacer strips, or in this other case lowering brackets, simply to lower a shroud to accommodate a body lift.
After all, when the fan is sized to the shroud, there is very little leeway in lifting the body before the fan hits the shroud. If you have enough clearance that you can raise the body more than an inch, you may have too much clearance between fan and shroud, as was being talked about.
But it's close sometimes. Every Bronco and every shroud is a bit different in their own right. But pretty sure any "straps" you were wondering about are just going to be for lowering the shroud.
Optimally you want the shroud open to all the cooling fins, but in the case of straps vs the lowering brackets pictured, I'd prefer the brackets because they leave more fins exposed to air flow.
It's not optimal, because the shroud itself is not covering the fins. But the most common alternative of covering them and literally blocking them by laying a flat strip across the fins, is less desirable to my way of thinking.
Because even in a situation where the fins are exposed to air outside of the shroud's coverage, air is still going to be pulled through the fins from the action of the air flowing through the main core and shroud. Whereas the strip is blocking that flow completely, unless it's standing off from the fins.
Most of us that have body lifts, including me, do use strips though. And most of us definitely don't have an issue with overheating. That little tiny percentage of fins that are blocked by the straps should never be enough to cause a problem. If so then the radiator is sorely under-sized to begin with. Something the factories almost never do anymore. Maybe 60 years ago, but they learned their sizing lessons well over the years.
The perfect shroud is one that fits the fan size and location, is located over all fins and tubes, and is sealed pretty well around the edges.
Hard to accomplish this with so many different setups, so it almost has to be a custom unless sold as a "pair pack" cooling system.
Maybe not at work here in your case. Just bringing it up for the sake of discussion.