Going on the 2nd year after build and about 4000 miles. About 6 months ago I noticed a lot of oil leaks around the pan. Upon inspection many of the bolts were loose to the finger. With a ratchet I was going to snug them up but with any pressure make things worse and squeezed the cork gasket out. Last week I dropped the pan, cleaned up the old multi piece cork gasket, pan and RTV, replaced with Felpro rubber gasket. All seemed well but still have a drip at the oil filter and looking for ideas or next steps to get a resolution. (cleaned filter area when changed oil and no debris or old gasket material)
Bronco is a 77 with 351w, Wix filter 51515 running VR1 10/30. Oil pressure about 60 until warm and drops.
Bronco is a 77 with 351w, Wix filter 51515 running VR1 10/30. Oil pressure about 60 until warm and drops.