Rajin I was with you until you said Interstate. I shouldnt say that as Interstate has two lines now. Their premier line, I think is called Gold, is doing not too bad from what I hear. The stuff they normally sell is junk.
About 10 years ago we were Interstates first off site/out of company mini warehouse. It was a pilot project we initated. So if you were a dealer and ran out of a battery you could borrow one off us, pay Interstate, and then Interstate would replace it for us. Program worked great for years, we didnt make any money at all, but just a little extra for our customers. Then due to return issues we ended our relationship with the words "You have until the close of business day tomorrow to have all of your product off our premises." We were told that was not possible, so they were told fine "We will stack in the parking lot for you, come and get when ever you want". They managed to find two trucks to come pick up the batteries the next day, LOL.
Good example of why I am cut and dry about stuff, it was the old school upbring I had. My Stepfather was very to the point, LOL. He never ever minced words, never sugar coated anything, and always meant everything he said. I am a little lighter though.