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Optima red tops?


Jr. Member
Dec 3, 2004
Sprague MB
I've never had a problem with mine (it is a few years old - obviously the better original version), but my dad bought a pair a year or two ago for his F-250 diesel and they work well enough to only need one in a dual-battery setup.


Full Member
Oct 29, 2003
Santa Rosa Beach, Fl
Did you call the number on the side of the battery. Deka has a international warranty that you can have serviced locally. Their wet cells even come with road side assistance.
I will try that thanks. I figured since the closest dealer I could find was in Birmingham Alabama (5hrs away) I was out of luck.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2003
HawleyTX, La orig.
Optima Exp..

Little info on my exp with the red tops. Several years ago the Air Force swapped over to the optima red tops for our ground support equipment. They sucked on our equipment, the guys would start the equipment then run it for maybe 3-5 min and shut it off..that was no where near enough time to charge it back up.. So that was a problem, but on the larger generators that were started and would run for 8 hours, the batts were fine, and lasted...
Another problem was the chargers we had, the optima (going from memory so don't shoot me if I am a little off) only wants a max charge voltage of 14.7, and no more than 30 amps, if you put more it voids the warr.. So we ended up buying new chargers, which helped a little, but we still replace ALOT of batts every week that are run dead and won't take a charge..
These are EXTREME conditions for any batt.. but knowing this I still can't bring myself to come off $129+ for a batt..and after reading your experiences I am glad I haven't.. I usually stick to the good old Interstates... Just my $.05 :)


Bronco Guru
Nov 10, 2004
Brantford, Ontario
Rajin I was with you until you said Interstate. I shouldnt say that as Interstate has two lines now. Their premier line, I think is called Gold, is doing not too bad from what I hear. The stuff they normally sell is junk.
About 10 years ago we were Interstates first off site/out of company mini warehouse. It was a pilot project we initated. So if you were a dealer and ran out of a battery you could borrow one off us, pay Interstate, and then Interstate would replace it for us. Program worked great for years, we didnt make any money at all, but just a little extra for our customers. Then due to return issues we ended our relationship with the words "You have until the close of business day tomorrow to have all of your product off our premises." We were told that was not possible, so they were told fine "We will stack in the parking lot for you, come and get when ever you want". They managed to find two trucks to come pick up the batteries the next day, LOL.
Good example of why I am cut and dry about stuff, it was the old school upbring I had. My Stepfather was very to the point, LOL. He never ever minced words, never sugar coated anything, and always meant everything he said. I am a little lighter though.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2003
HawleyTX, La orig.
LOL!! I know, Interstates are the best, but I have ran them on the last few diesels and they worked great on there... but they should have for the $$ of those huge batts.. Also have an older one on my Bronco that has been run dead a couple times when my kids hit a switch, and it takes a charge and is still going..

With that, what is the best BIG battery I can get for my F450.... when it even hints at being a little slow to start when it gets cold it will have new ones..?? I don't want Optima's, I know that for sure.. :)


Bronco Guru
Nov 10, 2004
Brantford, Ontario
1.) Odyssey AGM
2.) Deka Intimidator
3.) Trojan SCS for a wet cell, but only marginally better than no.4 and fairly more expensive, but worth a look
4.) Deka wet cells. The 7000 series are outlasting Optima AGMs
5.) I usually never make it here, but I would probably go with the Interstate Gold line, they are a calcium-calcium plate battery. (Deka and delphi used to be now Deka has progressed to silver something coating and delphi has gone off shore, and down the toilet.

Another thing to consider is where the battery is actually made. There are only a few left actually producing products in America. Johnson Controls (Delphi, Interstate, Exide, Optima) is not one of those companys. So I tend to avoid paying other country's wages if possible.