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Phase II - Would appreciate feedback on how many hours the following jobs should take


Full Member
Mar 17, 2015
Long Island
Replace Tie Rod & Drag Link
Front disk brake conversion with proportioning valve and bearings
Install custom brake hose set
Install Warn Premium locking hubs
Replace Stock Axle U Joint and axle seals

Also, is there any obvious thing I should add to the list if these jobs are being tackled?

Thanks in advance.


Bronco Guru
Aug 11, 2014
Install Warn Premium locking hubs?

The Dana Spicer hubs that the Bronco came with are better quality.


Grease Monkey
Jun 11, 2007
Ridgefield WA
What's your reason for asking? If it's for an install estimate for a professional installation, most of those places use a "flat rate book" to charge their labor. That book lists the standard amount of time a particular job should take. That way you're not paying for the amount of time for a goober when it takes him two hours and should only take 0ne. Also when a really good mechanic can do that one hour job in 30 minutes, they will still charge you the flat rate of one hour.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2015
I was told that it would make for an easier install when converting to the power disc brakes????

Thanks to Paul at WH. I'm running the original locking hubs with my WH disc brake conversion.

There is NO reason to change the original locking hubs for a disc brake conversion.


Mar 27, 2002
a competent person could do all of that with a haynes manual in a weekend. mechanic at a shop 4hrs, book time is anyone's guess cause i'm sure they would charge you individually although all though all those jobs are part of the same job(replacing front axle u joints.) On the warn hubs, i like them better but there is no reason to replace if the stock ones are working, does not effect how the brakes go together. Also is it a dana 30 or 44, I would think the 44 would be more cause you have to pull the center to replace the seals. are the seals leaking?


Bronco Guru
Jul 23, 2010
Boy if you are gonna pay to get that done at a professional shop it is gonna be pricey I would think! I would guess a minimum of probably $600 or probably even more.

You would be better off putting together a little wrench and roast in LI and maybe some of us could come out there and help you get this horse upgraded a little bit! Think about it because none of what you want to do is really that much of a PITA just takes some time to do it and do it right! ;D


Sr. Member
Jul 16, 2012
Replace Tie Rod & Drag Link
Front disk brake conversion with proportioning valve and bearings
Install custom brake hose set
Install Warn Premium locking hubs
Replace Stock Axle U Joint and axle seals

Also, is there any obvious thing I should add to the list if these jobs are being tackled?

Thanks in advance.


I'll tell you what it took me to do this below. I have pretty good mechanical ability but not a professional mechanic. Decide on a brake conversion kit first and approach shop. Some shops may have issues with aftermarket parts like the chevy conversion. Actually just had a corporate firestone facility in NJ refuse to even attempt alignment on my truck due to aftermarket 3 way adjustable linkage. My disk conversion used the duff knuckles and all ford parts. BC, jeffs and duffs are closer to east coast for shipping and many of the heavy parts you can source locally. Read up on different kits. Since you are having others work on the truck the all ford kit may be easier for others to accept.

I just did everything you mention with the exception of the axles seals. Are they leaking bad? If you are talking inner seals This would be most time consuming part and biggest unknown as the carrier comes out and may end up with front diff rebuild. If you are talking outer slinger and spindle seals no big deal you will be changing spindles anyway.

Taking everything apart including removal of knuckles, axles, and basic cleaning was 3 hours.

I spent 2 hours another night test fitting, knuckles, spindles, brackets, parts and figuring out what I forgot to order.!!! Get the right DOT hoses and the hard line from prop vlve to front hose. Also may need adapter from prop valve to rear line and some re-work of rear line.

Install balljoints knuckles, tie rod sleeves in knuckles, spindles, dust shields bravkets. 1 hour

Install bearings seals, calipers, lines, pads, about 2 hours. Existing basic warn drum locking hubs fit the disk hubs.

Rework rear lines, master clyinder lines and install prop valve. 2 hours

Bleed brakes, install new 3 way linkage, adjustable track bar, radius arm frame bushings, center box, adjust track bar drag link and set toe with tape measure. 3 hours

I also did complete rear brake overhaul with shoes drums hardware and wheel cylinders. 2 hours

Do the ball joints, steering linkage, and check all bushing while In there. Check all hard brake lines for kinks and rust. Consider doing the master cylinder and adding power brakes if not already done. Truck will need professional alignment when complete especially if you change knuckles balljoints or spindles.

Some guys have issues getting clips on end of axles. Put bolt in end of axle and pull or pull diff cover and push out.

Good luck!! The disk install was the best thing I have done so far.

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Full Member
Mar 17, 2015
Long Island
Thank you to everyone who provided information in this thread. It is greatly appreciated. I'll need some time to digest all the info.

Boy if you are gonna pay to get that done at a professional shop it is gonna be pricey I would think! I would guess a minimum of probably $600 or probably even more.

You would be better off putting together a little wrench and roast in LI and maybe some of us could come out there and help you get this horse upgraded a little bit! Think about it because none of what you want to do is really that much of a PITA just takes some time to do it and do it right! ;D

I'd definitely prefer to have knowing Bronco peeps working on my truck - just don't know anyone locally. :( I'd be more than willing to host a wrench and roast if you know the wrenches! 😀