Just to put this thread to bed; it turns out the cold wasn’t the likely culprit, and the little bit of cap plastic wasn’t either. I found the return line AN fitting was leaking. Loose as a goose. Prior to the day I had trouble, I’d not seen any leaking on the leak tray under the EB. Apparently it decided that day was the day to start leaking. As I was working on bleeding the system, more and more fluid kept ending up on the ground. In my hands at least, topping off the reservoir and checking for bubbles is pretty messy, but it was only when I saw drips coming off the fender after spraying brake cleaner and air hosing, that I saw something else was going.on.
I used the vacuum method as outlined in the 2003 Mustang service manual (I have a DOHC Cobra Mustang hydroboost). I couldn’t get a hand pump to get sufficient vacuum, but used my AC vacuum pump and was able to achieve 15 - 20 inches of vacuum. Supposedly, you should be able to pull vacuum for 3 minutes in each stage (filling, engine off, engine running), but if there’s bubbles they come frothing out and quickly filled the MityVac catchment reservoir. I was only able to get a minute or so at a time. Nevertheless, there was no waiting an hour or so for bubbles to go away if they showed up. They were quickly pulled out by vacuum, within a minute or so. Definitely quicker than pushing the PS fluid through by turning lock to lock over and over again with a wheel dragging.