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Problems with james duff...duff"s service sucks!

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Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2004
I usually stay out of these debacles, but why don't you act like an adult (assuming you are one) and call Duff's up and politely ask to speak to the manager, stay on the phone until you actually do. If you don't get the answer you want, the ask the manager to please get the owner, and work it out. If at that point you still feel like you have been so willfully wronged by the organization you speak so poorly of, then by all means fire away...

If you go through life expecting people to call you back immedietely every time you call, I can only gauruntee you will be sorely disappointed with your life. Everyone is busy and I hate to say it, but your NOT their best customer, so if they forget to call you back, theres probably a good reason as to why, they're not trying to specifically screw you over... Grow up and call them again...

Flaming them on a public forum and talking trash will not help you fix your specific problem nor will it get you very far with their customer service to be rude and or impatient. It will most likely help them to 'forget' to pick up 'line 3' to deal with the ranting a-hole. Trust me you don't have to be in customer service to know how this goes in life.

I do wish you good luck getting your situation worked out but I do personally feel your going about it the wrong way.

Yes I posted this twice...


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
pacific palisades

Well, it all went down like this...ahhhh, never mind.

Say, will gas ever come back down or is there a way to convert my gas guzzling beast to electric or something more efficient?


Bronco Virtuoso
Oct 17, 2007
God's Country
The other point was that I quit dealing with Duffs a long time ago because all I ever got over the phone when trying to get some help was arrogance and a bad attitude when trying to solve a problem on parts. But maybe things have changed since Suzy took over?


Ben I think you might want to give Duff another chance. I have dropped some serious coin with Duff on my frame off project and they have been nothing short of 100%. I am kind of like you, if I have one bad experience I never forget it....but in some cases, a second chance is probably warranted, particularly when new folks take over operations in a new location. Just my $.02. I will show you how that coin worked out at OCBR, and let you be the judge of whether I wasted my coin or not!


Bronco Guru
Mar 6, 2008
Charlotte, NC
skibum, get a clue. you and a few others thrashed james duff, TWO THREADS, on and on and on and on.

now you say all chipperly "it's all resolved!" with a big smile. but you refuse to elaborate on how it was resolved. i bet it went something like this:
you called duffs again and explained the situation. they resolved it. case closed.

but it's too much to ask that you elaborate on how it was resolved. awesome. that's mighty big of you after you and a few others thrashed their reputation on this forum. it's pretty easy to rant when they piss you off, but i guess it's too much effort to explain how they fixed it.%)

THIS is why a vendor rating system wouldn't work. 'nuff said. :mad:

i second the other's motion. delete this useless drivel.


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
pacific palisades
Excuse me?

You were there and know how, and what transpired don't you?

Get a clue?

Anneboleyn, You obviously don't see me smiling because I'm not!

Am I happy with the resolution? Hardly!

Did I ultimately get what I ordered and paid for? No!

How was it resolved? They refunded my the cost of the drivers side pivot, $45 bucks! That I ordered and paid for them to attach. Nothing more nothing less.

Will I ever have it attached the pivot they sent? No. from the looks of things they sent the wrong side so it was just a waste of $hipping on there part. Again no attention to detail, just a knee jerk response. PLUS, it'll cost me too much out of pocket to have it welded on and then I'd have to pay another $150+ to get the whole bumper repowder coated! To me it's not worth it at this point.

Do I wish they had some sort of control there where somebody, even a trained monkey or a unemployed clown, can inspect the order and see that what was ordered, is what is being shipped? Hell yeah!

Is that too much to ask? Hell no!

See this grin on my face, your mistaken because it's not a smile, it's egg!

Without getting too personal, and I mean this in the most sincere way, bite me!

It's people like you who get all judgemental based on one paragraph you read...read all my post regarding this and get an understanding of what I was talking about! Then, I'll have the decency to engage you in some intelligent conversation on the issue.


Back From the Dead
Nov 29, 2001
Hey Anne,
I guess I'm one of those who thrashed Duff's rep? How is telling of less than stellar customer service and trash hardware thrashing them? To me it's just the truth.


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
skibum, get a clue. you and a few others thrashed james duff, TWO THREADS, on and on and on and on.

now you say all chipperly "it's all resolved!" with a big smile. but you refuse to elaborate on how it was resolved. i bet it went something like this:
you called duffs again and explained the situation. they resolved it. case closed.

but it's too much to ask that you elaborate on how it was resolved. awesome. that's mighty big of you after you and a few others thrashed their reputation on this forum. it's pretty easy to rant when they piss you off, but i guess it's too much effort to explain how they fixed it.%)

THIS is why a vendor rating system wouldn't work. 'nuff said. :mad:

i second the other's motion. delete this useless drivel.

Well, AnneBoley at least you remained objective and let the facts guide you instead of assuming the best of Duff's and the worst of Skibum...


Bronco Guru
Mar 6, 2008
Charlotte, NC
See this grin on my face, your mistaken because it's not a smile, it's egg!

now THAT'S a great line! ;D

read all my post regarding this and get an understanding of what I was talking about!

um, i have. on two threads.

btw: SACHEM, you weren't one of the ones i was referring to. how could i knock a fellow eagle like that? ;)

anyways, skibum, you made a hell of a splash! ;D

f this thread, i'm out.


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
pacific palisades
Just couldn't leave a good thing alone could you?

Ya had to go and get all up in my grill with how you know everything, and now how I'm happier than a pig in shit all because I didn't elaborate on how it all went down.

Please don't even get me started again!

This vendor stuff is a great idea because most people are good and sometimes bad things happen to good people. Give them the benefit of doubt, and if they burn you twice shame on them! Sure they'll be some people pissed about this or that but that's what it about, finding out who delivers on their promises and stands behind their work!

Anne, sorry if I came down on ya too hard....the bite me was alittle out of line.


Bronco Guru
Jun 26, 2007
Marshall, AR
skibum, get a clue. you and a few others thrashed james duff, TWO THREADS, on and on and on and on.

now you say all chipperly "it's all resolved!" with a big smile. but you refuse to elaborate on how it was resolved. i bet it went something like this:
you called duffs again and explained the situation. they resolved it. case closed.

but it's too much to ask that you elaborate on how it was resolved. awesome. that's mighty big of you after you and a few others thrashed their reputation on this forum. it's pretty easy to rant when they piss you off, but i guess it's too much effort to explain how they fixed it.%)

THIS is why a vendor rating system wouldn't work. 'nuff said. :mad:

i second the other's motion. delete this useless drivel.

This is exactly why a rating system is needed. So that we can rate our satisfaction with buyers and sellers.


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
Vendor nazis jumped all over you didn't they ski ? :) :)

It is prettty obviously Duff was in the wrong. They refunded the money for the pivot. They wouldn't have done that if he had not paid for it. That his point. He now has a bumper he did not want and because of its cost he will have to use it. Cost too much to fix it and make it look right.

Duff should have sent him the bumper he ordered. If that means eating shipping to get the wrong one back they should eat shipping.

Other vendors on this list have done much more when they make a mistake, hell Duff probably has too.


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
pacific palisades
00gyrhed, man did they ever...

Thanks for saying it as it is!

Pretty funny though eh? Getting 'em all riled up like that!

I think some of these folks really dislike me now for speaking my mind...I guess I'd better crawl back under that rock some of these folks think I came from.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2008
Im gonna sling my 2 cent in just cause . I bought a 3.5 system from duffs and i got everything before i was spose to get it and i live in va. Ive never had any problems wih them or theyre service. I also got a 5.5 system from WH as is on the rig in my gallery and again no problems from them either. Sh8t happens either way but i bet you guys eventually got everything you ordered. Its not like the parts arent going to take time to put on your rig too. I would shop aound and find the quality of the parts i was looking for and make sure a few times with a phone call before i ordered said part/parts. It could be very well your fault as well as theres fo rnot making your purchased part clear to them and asking them if they had them in stock. Sorry for ramblin guys but thats just how things go sometimes.


Bronco Guru
Mar 6, 2008
Charlotte, NC
mea culpa

all right skibum. my apologies. upon further review of YOUR (and yours alone) situation, i jumped the gun. i'd be pretty pissed if your bumper situation happened to me.

i guess i finally chimed in with my "go pour yourself a nice tall glass of shut the hell up" attitude because i got sick of reading these two threads, filled with endless whining and griping and bitching from some other people who had no horse in the race. but then i did the exact same thing. i should have just ignored the threads.

so, that's all i gotta say about this situation. best of luck getting it resolved.

(amazing what a good workout and dinner will do for one's clarity of thought! ;D )
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