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Pulley Decision Time


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2007
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for a little feedback on how everyone setup their 351W's with the explorer serpentine swap. I have the stock 28oz pulley (it's in need of a replacement anyway looking at the elastomer) and the stock 50oz explorer pulley.

DamperDudes wants $191.10 for a simple re-balanced and what I assume is a pulley dipped in gold for that price! I assume this would also require me sending in my current one as a core and the shipping for both but anyway, I think this option is off the table for the price alone (the company name is beyond stupid also which makes me never want to do business with them).

BC Broncos has a 6" 4 bolt pulley for $99 that they don't specify if it works on the explorer setup and a 3 bolt for $79 that's specifically marketed for the 351W with explorer swap but this makes no sense since 351W's are 4 bolt right (at least after a certain year and my engine is out of the 80's)?

My plan was to simply buy a new aftermarket damper and bolt a pulley on (for about the same cost as DamperDudes) but I'm now confused. Can someone show me the way?


Bronco Guru
May 30, 2007
Greenbottom, WV
You can use any small block 28 oz damper with three bolts for the pully on the 351w. i used the original bronco pully and then transferred the timing marks to the other side of the damper by lining up the keyways and marking the explorer marks on the bronco pully. then i bolted the conversion pully on. this was the most inexpensive way to do it for me


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
Driven Auto Parts hakes a conversion pulley. Bolts to a 3-bolt damper. It is aluminum. Other venders also offer it as well.


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2007
Driven Auto Parts hakes a conversion pulley. Bolts to a 3-bolt damper. It is aluminum. Other vendors also offer it as well.

It looks like that is the pulley I should be using. Is there a good aftermarket balancer that doesn't require a spacer?


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2007
Update: I called Driven Auto Parts (awesome guys and love helping bronco vendors) and they stated that their pulley will work with a Professional Products harmonic damper and not require a spacer. Total cost for me purchasing the pulley and the damper = $89+90= $179+tax (with free shipping).

Cheaper and I believe it will both look better and be a better product than a reworked factory unit from DamperDudes. Honestly, how does anyone take this company seriously with this name? It's like buying technical parts from Jeff Lebowski (bonus points to whoever gets the reference). Odds are they are perfectly nice people and offer a good service but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2009
Hockessin, Delaware
Driven Auto Parts are super nice guys, had a chance to check them out. Loved their parts yard and got an awesome shirt from them.


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
I have been running one of damper dudes Explorer harmonic balancers with excellent results. I thought that I might go with Factory fuel injection one day and therefore will need the reluctor ring and the pickup that goes with it so that required I stick with the stock harmonic balancer.

And reading through all of the Explorer threads over and over I discovered that a couple of guys maybe just two we're having horrible belt squealing issues. One of them eventually figured out it had something to do with his pulley at the harmonic balancer. He also did not stick with the stock Explorer harmonic balancer. That scared me off from the driven pulley. I think it was a hundred and sixty something dollars to get the damper dudes harmonic balancer when I bought it but I am very happy with it. And of course if I ever go with Factory fuel injection one day I'll be glad I've got it.

I understand what you're saying about the name I guess it's the word dude. Different parts of the country have different opinions about certain words and names. I discovered recently that the term cracker is a horribly offensive word in most parts of the country but it's actually a term of endearment here in Central Florida we're all crackers down here and proud of it. Haha


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Damper Dudes probably started out as a garage type business and grew from there. Probably younger guys that were doing it for fun. A familiar scenario in fact. (might not be the next Apple Computer, but...;D)
I don't put much stock in names myself. I do agree that some sound more professional than others, but a name would not scare me away.
Nor would a $12 difference when comparing prices. Maybe with shipping it would have been more of a difference?
We sell that pulley too. Has worked great so far. Glad you were able to get the pulley and damper and all from them.
They've got a fun segment in our latest AZ Stampede video when Jim and Mitch stopped by before the main event. Hard to hear Mitch with all the wind noise in the camera, but he was having a lot of fun in the Driven Bronco boneyard.

While we're on names, anyone remember what BDS (the suspension company, not the supercharger company) stands for? Yes, the other one is Blower Drive Service, but BDS used to be called "Big Dick Suspension" and was kind of a joke that took off and made it work for them. Hence the BDS change when they presumably started taking themselves seriously.
Maybe we'll see a D&D Damper Rebuilding service someday too.



Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
Well said Paul.

What is it they say?
.... a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.... Haha

I recall a few years ago someone saying to me that when I use the word dude I sound like an old 1980's burnout.

My response was, "What's your point, Dude?"


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2007
Ha, All excellent points! Now I feel like I'm the old "get off my lawn" man. :-[

In all honesty I have my own company and it has a stupid name as well so who am I to say anything. I just hadn't had my coffee yet.



Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
I have been running one of damper dudes Explorer harmonic balancers with excellent results. I thought that I might go with Factory fuel injection one day and therefore will need the reluctor ring and the pickup that goes with it so that required I stick with the stock harmonic balancer.

And reading through all of the Explorer threads over and over I discovered that a couple of guys maybe just two we're having horrible belt squealing issues. One of them eventually figured out it had something to do with his pulley at the harmonic balancer. He also did not stick with the stock Explorer harmonic balancer. That scared me off from the driven pulley. I think it was a hundred and sixty something dollars to get the damper dudes harmonic balancer when I bought it but I am very happy with it. And of course if I ever go with Factory fuel injection one day I'll be glad I've got it.

I understand what you're saying about the name I guess it's the word dude. Different parts of the country have different opinions about certain words and names. I discovered recently that the term cracker is a horribly offensive word in most parts of the country but it's actually a term of endearment here in Central Florida we're all crackers down here and proud of it. Haha

What Steve said...
I did my serp install back in '12 roughly and found a Lightning intake set up 2 years later. Having the balancer in place already made the fuel injection install just a bit easier.
Also heard about the belt squeal issue with the adapter pulley but no 1st hand experience so I didn't know what to make of it. Just glad I went the Damper Dudes route...


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
...Now I feel like I'm the old "get off my lawn" man. :-[

Hah! I remember the exact moment my friend, the long-time local "I'm Ricky Racer, I've got a 2-stroke Yamaha RD and am not afraid to use it on the street, on your lawn, in your driveway, or in your face." ran off my porch and yelled at some poor kid on a motorcycle to slow the heck down!
The look on his face when he realized he'd just turned into his dad was priceless. Well, not HIS dad exactly, since his dad would probably have encouraged such behavior. But you know what I mean.;)

Funnin' aside, if you thought of Dude's as not the most professional name, others probably do too.
D & D Specialties (my new temporary-unless-it-sticks name for them;D) might consider that if they want even more business.
Which, if it cuts too much into their surfing time, might not.:cool:



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Oh, and if you make one of those Spacecraft "Launchpads" for a desktop computer with screen, I'm probably in!



Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2007
Oh, and if you make one of those Spacecraft "Launchpads" for a desktop computer with screen, I'm probably in!


That's very nice of you to say. I do have an option to mount a desktop on the wall and a monitor in the back but it is in the works. I'll get back to finishing it soon and your request has reminded me that I still have to finalize that.

I also have a wood version I'm working on. Here is my Mahogany version.

Getting this side company up and running takes sooo much time away from my bronco but I've got babies to feed and a fat mortgage so sleep can come in retirement.


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