Well here's the deal. BigHoovJ, my 2 boys, my friend Tim and I took a road trip to Houston to pick it up Saturday morning. Big surprise, it wasn't finished. In fact, we had to winch it up on the trailer. But the motor sounds great, and I can get it finished at home quickly. The top needs to be painted, headliner put in, and some odds/ends..A/C hose connected and system charged, hood latch installed..that sort of thing. I'm targeting the OCBR as my maiden voyage. I didn't want to show pics until it's finished, but here goes... I'll get better ones when I get it outside. It's good to have the Rajin Cajin and the Racer sharing space for the first time!! I brought my mom by to see it today (it was her dads), and she started crying. She said paw paw would love it. I doubt it (he would hate that hood!), but it was good to see mom so happy to see it. The pics don't really do it justice..the paint is a heavy metallic pearl and is awesome in the sun. The dark color is also metallic and does crazy stuff in the sun. Looking forward to getting it out and about -- and yes, on some trails.