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TITLE AMENDMENT: Vendor service issues. Advice???

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Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
I have had two conversations with BCB in the last two days. first with the lady who answers the phone, the second with Chuck and both insist that I have to pay to ship this thing again. Both were very nice on the phone. I just think that if someone has a problem with THIER product, It should be taken care of at no expense to the customer!!
You need to learn that shipping sucks...... Once you accept that fact, future purchases will be all good.


Bronco Guru
Jun 16, 2007
valley springs, ca
I think the master should have went back to WH or they should have arranged it, i could be wrong. BC has always been great with me and very helpful.
What was up with the master.

What was wrong with the MC is not the issue here. I'm sure alot of people have great dealings BCB and many more will in the future. I'm just miffed at having to pay twice to ship it back..AGAIN!!!

old bronco

New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Man, I don't care who it is, if I bought it from WH, I'd be on their ass to fix it no matter where it came from. There is where the the poor customer service lies. Having said that, I believe Jim would have made it right.


Bronco Guru
Sep 23, 2006
I'd say your beef is with WH for not stepping up and taking care of it. If you walked in and paid cash, then maybe you could have walked in and exchanged it??? Seems chicken turd that WH would sluff you off to their vendor. They weren't too busy to sell it to you and take your $$$, but they are too busy to make it right????


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2006
Well Chuck doesnt make the master cylinders, you should take it up with the manufacturer since WH got off the hook that way...So what is wrong with the master cylinder???? And it is part of the issue.


Bronco Guru
Aug 8, 2006
Aurora, IL
You need to learn that shipping sucks...... Once you accept that fact, future purchases will be all good.

Ha ha! I feel sorry for you Mad. If you want to return something, you have to ship it all the way across the ocean! Those shipping costs must suck. But then again, you live in a tropical paradise so it all evens out.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
I have had two conversations with BCB in the last two days. first with the lady who answers the phone, the second with Chuck and both insist that I have to pay to ship this thing again. Both were very nice on the phone. I just think that if someone has a problem with THIER product, It should be taken care of at no expense to the customer!!

I think Chuck was right to make you pay shipping. It was not his fault the part was bad and he did not sell it to you. However he did offer to make it right and replace it for you. What Chuck is doing is not passing your mistakes (cost) down to his other customers. Thank you Chuck.
I also find it hard to believe that WH brushed you away so easily. I bet there is more to that. Their service is good too. I think in the future you should only buy your stuff from the graveyard. You will be so happy.

Feel the Love and get over it. like Mad said for the cost you are paying in shipping you could buy one in town for less. Just turn that thing in for a core.



Sr. Member
Oct 23, 2007
Deep East Texas
Sorry, just have to rant a little to vent my fustration!

Here goes, I bought a power brake conversion kit from Wildhorses last Dec. Didn't install it until the beginning of this month (Mar). After install, found that the master cyl. had some issues. Called WH to see what could be done about the problem. They said that the kit is a B.C. broncos kit and that I would have to call them. OK. Called BCB and talked to Chuck. No prob! Told me to ship it back to them (master cyl. only) and he would warranty it. Sent it to thier physical address as he told me to.

Boxed it up, took it to the post office, off it went!!! All is good. Turns out for $13 and some change, a master cyl. will get a round trip ride to Ingram TX. and back! Undeliverable, NO SUCH ADDRESS!!! Check the address on box, BCB's site, all the same.Called BCB they told me that the post office wont deliver to thier address and would have to be sent by UPS or sent to thier P.O. Box.

Asked them to send me a UPS delivery label since I had already paid to send this thing to them once but they REFUSED and said I would have to pay AGAIN to ship it to them! Why should I have to pay AGAIN to ship this thing to them since they DID NOT specify that it HAD to be shipped via UPS ONLY to the address that THEY gave me!! Only UPS will deliver to thier physical address!!

I had always thought that WARRANTY meant without customer expense! Well I'm already $13 into this and dont want to spend any more money on this B.S. Since THEY should be taking care of this problem in it's entirety!!!

This is my first experience dealing with B.C. Broncos and I think it will be my last!! Again I dont think I should have to pay to ship, let alone twice, something back to the manufacturer to get a bad part replaced on warranty!!! THIER CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!! JMO POPS- NorCal Broncos. Thanks for let'n me rant!

P.S. I already bought another MC because I knew this prob was going to take some time with shipping back and forth and was going to keep the warrantied one as a spare.Had places to go in the Bronco!!!

There is your problem.

Sounds like BCB is located in a rural setting (same as me). As such...they no doubt have a P.O.Box to facilitate receiving packages larger than what will fit in an ordinary mail box.

USPS will NOT deliver large packages to rural area mail boxes. That is what UPS/FedEx does.

I am sure you did not know that if you haven't shipped many items. But, it isn't BCB's obligation to write a "how to" manual on shipping for all of it's customer. They assume we can all figure that out.

IF they told you to send it to their physical address, then you need to send it UPS/FedEx. IF they told to send it to their P.O.Box then send it USPS because UPS/FedEx doesn't deliver to POB's (just so you don't make that mistake).

IMO, you misunderstood "how" to ship the item..and have an opinion (that you are entitled to) about who should bear the cost that is not consistent with business standards today.

BCB is more than O.K. in my book, and I can't see where they have done anything wrong.

Personally, if I had made a public rant in the heat of the moment...and then later learned something that should change the complexion of things, I'd be making a public apology as well.

Just my .0002


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
I'd say your beef is with WH for not stepping up and taking care of it. If you walked in and paid cash, then maybe you could have walked in and exchanged it??? Seems chicken turd that WH would sluff you off to their vendor. They weren't too busy to sell it to you and take your $$$, but they are too busy to make it right????



Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2004
Southwest Va
to bad you didn't buy it from jeff's then everyone would have been behind you and talked about how much there customer service sucks.

NOT ME. I have dealt with Jeffs for years and i have nothing but good things to say about them. I have been sick and i was sitting home one day the phone rings and it was Jeffs. They was calling checking on my health. I was impressed. I wont forget that. From what i have seen from Chuck he ranks right up there with Jeffs. He has helped a lot of people out on here. Just a few weeks ago he went way out of his way to help out a member on here that was broken down on the highway. He didnt have to do that either but he is a good guy.


Bronco Virtuoso
Oct 17, 2007
God's Country
Well Chuck doesnt make the master cylinders, you should take it up with the manufacturer since WH got off the hook that way.

X2! Why hold the middle man responsible when you let the guy you made the purchase from off of the hook? This makes no sense. Chuck sold wholesale to WH, which does not let him off the hook, but he sure deserves to charge for the shipping if he chooses. Wh is a local vendor for you and that is likely why you chose to shop with them, then they send you to Texas for warranty? That is what sucks! WH should have made a direct replacement on the spot for you.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2003
HawleyTX, La orig.
Had to make one quick comment here.. BCB sells thier kits to WH and others at a "dealer price" hence, BCB doesn't make a lot of profit on these items. The mark up that WH puts on them should take care of any issues with part swap out. I am with BCB, in reality they probably didn't honestly make enough $$ to even pay for the shipping to send you a new MC...
I agree with others, your issue should be with the person/company you walked in and bought it from.
I know for a fact is you buy something from a vendor, USUALLY you can call them and tell them you have a problem, and they send you a replacement right away with a return shipping label... notice I said USUALLY, not always :) This has happened to me with puter parts, Bronco parts etc...


Sr. Member
Mar 30, 2004

TBS-POPS, have you noticed that no one agrees with you, and is taking your side? What does that tell you? Take a few minutes to think about that.


Bronco Kineticist
Apr 29, 2004
Devin's list of how to get EB guys to not like me:

1. Get online and talk about how cool it would be to put a Chebby motor in my EB.

2. Get online and talk about how much better heeps are than EB's.

3. Go out and buy a perfectly preserved, pristine, UNCUT EB with 223 miles, and then bust out the sawzall (actually, I would do this...).

4. Jump on the forum and bash a well-respected (probably the most respected) EB vendor on the site.......especially for something that is pretty trivial and is not his fault.

I am sure this list could go on and on, but you get the idea. Bashing vendors usually doesn't fly too well on this site.


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Devin's list of how to get EB guys to not like me:

1. Get online and talk about how cool it would be to put a Chebby motor in my EB.

2. Get online and talk about how much better heeps are than EB's.

3. Go out and buy a perfectly preserved, pristine, UNCUT EB with 223 miles, and then bust out the sawzall (actually, I would do this...).

4. Jump on the forum and bash a well-respected (probably the most respected) EB vendor on the site.......especially for something that is pretty trivial and is not his fault.

5. Hijack every thread about stroking a Windsor by plugging my 400 as better.

I am sure this list could go on and on, but you get the idea. Bashing vendors usually doesn't fly too well on this site.

:p ;D .....


Bronco Guru
Apr 18, 2003
LOL... I could tell by the title that this thread would be a busy one :p

USPS will NOT deliver large packages to rural area mail boxes. That is what UPS/FedEx does.

Must just be a TX thing... our USPS guy delivers decent sized packages to my house all the time. And if its too big to fit in the guys car, I get a slip in the mailbox that says "you have a package at the post office..." If you go to usps.com you'll see that the USPS can handle pretty big packages.

to bad you didn't buy it from jeff's then everyone would have been behind you and talked about how much there customer service sucks.

So true! FWIW, the one time I had to return something to Jeff's they shipped the replacement item (for free) and also in the box was a UPS pickup label. Two days later the UPS guy came and got the bad one. No dimes were removed from my pocket for that transaction. Maybe you should've went with Jeff's ;) :cool: ;D :p
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