OK, still about to push the Bronco off the cliff on this one. Compression test was at 130 on all cylinders. I pulled the distributor and per Viperwolf's instructions via PM, I tested it for spark, and it fires/sparks eight times per revolution, so that seems to be in order.
Once again, I removed all of the spark plugs and turned the engine over by hand, putting my finger in each of the spark plug holes to see when they build compression. They do in fact build up compression against my finger after the intake valve closes in the 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8 firing order, so I know my plug wires have been hooked up correctly this whole time.
I have tried two distributor caps, two rotors, two pertronix modules, three different coils, two sets of plug wires, two sets of plugs, two different carburetors, and have adjusted the timing every conceivable way and it still has the no start/run rough for a second before dying issue.
I'm at a loss. I have started engines that had no distributor, plugs, or plug wires hooked up to them before and they have always fired right up after getting #1 to TDC, the distributor in, and the plug wires in the correct order. This one is driving me bananas.....