Tried to wave y'all down as you were leaving.. Sorry I missed ya bud..And glad you made it home alright
Sorry I was bummed out that my wheeling got cut short. I thought I seen a wave, thought it was just a seeya later way.
Always next time, we may be going to Disney or Rush Springs Ranch again here soon. You ever been to either?
July 13-14, 2018 Flat Nasty
Sept. 21-22, 2018 Rush Springs
Oh yea what did I do to my Bronco, picked up a steering box kit and a carb adapter plate.
Washed the September 17' OCBR dust off lol.
lol well that's goodI haven't put it on it's roof
Well even though it doesn't run I managed to motivate myself to try and get the brakes working after replacing many sections recently. After two hours of trying to bleed/prime/burp using a hand vacuum pump I gave up. I ordered this Capri Tools Vacuum Brake Bleeder and I hope it makes the job tolerable!!!! I guess I just have WAY too much air in the system in various places and couldn't take it anymore!! I'll try to remember to let folks know what I think of the purchase once I get my hands on it. Cheers!
Had to replace the clutch throw out bearing and got pissed trying to fight the space. Installed a top plate for quick and easy access.
Knocked the pollen off of it. Took it to a local show and brought home the “Best Original” award....
Knocked the pollen off of it. Took it to a local show and brought home the “Best Original” award....