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What's With the Attitude?


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
For what my two cents are worth, Broncos are in my blood and I never get tired of talking about them. There are those of us that are born with the love and those who are introduced into the Bronco world and need to be shown the way. If you pull into a gas station and someone comes up and asks you a question you've heard before about your rig, are you gonna try to make them feel like a fool by telling them you've already heard that question 1000's of times? Not me, I'm thrilled when someone shows interest in the Bronco and wants to know more about it. This should be the same attitude taken when someone is in need of help here, none of us knew it all from the get go.(Although some would like to think so) I say if anyone has a question, ask away, we all learn somethin new everyday.:cool:

Good analogy, even if they call it a Jeep ;) ;D ;D


Loves pickles
Sep 28, 2007
yeah I have the same problem, I cannot make a post on fullsizebronco . com without f#@$head ranger429 making a stupid comment on it.


Jr. Member
Jul 29, 2001
Boyne City, MI.
Just chimmin' in

Quote {Sorry, I'm guilty. Thanks for not yelling at me guys. }

{There are a few members here who can be a little grumpy, but for the most part everyone is willing to help out. I don't mind answering the same questions over and over. Most of the time the questions are asked by newbies who probably think they have a new question. We were all newbies at one time.}

Hell... I've been on this site since 2001 and I'm just barely out of newbie status! ;D


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
Ok,ok !!! I will use the search button and stop asking all the dumb questions. I will also try to curb all the bitching.


Bronco Guru
May 26, 2003
Tacoma Wa
I'm sure that our ultimate goal is to have those often asked questions be part of the FAQs. While it would go a long way towards addressing this issue it requires effort on our part to enrich that section. It'll be nice to point to it rather than the search feature but getting to that goal is a process and we're not there yet nor will we ever totally be. In the meantime, it should be noted that our search lacks the ability to use exact phrases which has frustrated me many times. Still, there is the other side of the coin. Without a steady dialog on even the most frequently covered topics, I believe the atmosphere would suffer. So, input as well as pointing to further research is probably the best approach. Lastly, allow me to be redundant and express my frustration with the lack of exact phrases ability in our search function.


Sr. Member
Sep 8, 2005
The good thing about this board is that if you if can outlast the "High and Mightys" there is always some decent Bronco person out there that will answer the trillionth time asked question that you were convinced was an original.


Bronco Guru
May 8, 2007
Mesa AZ
I pride myself for being a part of this brotherhood. Lets all try to remember how some newbies have complimented this site for being different and for being so helpful.
Now, what size tubing should I use for a roll cage?


Full Member
Jul 26, 2002
I can only think of one vocal person who consistently gets cranky with the search function.....do a search on the word "search", and I bet it will be obvious who it is. :)

I don't really mind repeated topics. Often find new info/insight, gives me a new post to read, and the interaction. That seems to be the main difference between a FAQ and Forum. Both are great, but I enjoy Forums more.


Bronco Guru
Apr 18, 2003
The problem with the "do a search you moron" reply (not as much on this site) is that if you actually do a search for a topic, you get a bunch of threads, and most have the first post by someone asking the exact question you're looking for, then one or two "do a search you moron" replies, and that's it. Sometimes you have to dig soooooo deep to actually find the thread where someone actually answered the question, its just easier to ask it again.

I always try to contribute to the thread if I can either by answering or linking to other more mature threads on the subject.

some guys are outright dicks to guys over rigs they have no intention whatsoever in buying.

I agree totally. I think some folks just troll around over there to complain, no intention of buying. Also there's the whole "there's no way you spent that much $ on that POS rig" attitude. Its like they take it personally if somebody spent a bunch of money on their rig. Those threads are never productive. Never once have I seen the original poster come back and say "yeah, my bad, I'm just kidding, you guys are right, what was I thinking, you can have it for $3k" :cool: ;D :-* :p


Bronco Guru
Aug 25, 2006
I almost started and "attitude problem" thread a week or so ago when a new guy checked in. One of the welcome aboard replies read:

Welcome aboard.

Oh, before you "ask"... "search" works very well here.
I don't think this was ment to be a warning but it comes off that way. This is a "forum". A place for discussion and posting content. If you are just doing research, why even bother joining. Just use Google. Sometimes it is good to get peoples latest thinking on a topic. i.e. Its nice to hear that the aluminum radiator that everyone was raving about is now a POS and cracks after a year. I appreciate someone directing me to information by providing a link or suggesting a search on some key words. Please avoid replying with, "This topic has been discussed a million times, try using the search function!"

I did a google search for some specific information on GT40P heads. I lead me to a thread on a Mustang site. I joined and spent about an hour digging through threads that the search engine had a hit in. No luck so I asked a question and got the old "This topic has been discussed time and time again. Try doing a search! Oh! Welcome aboard." I did not vote for that site!

p.s. Those guys have a lot of good info on Explorer engine conversions. (case in point: Anyone doing a search on "Explorer engine conversions" or "GT40 heads" will now get directed here)

I'm with Seabiscuit, the search engine is not that usefull. I even have problems finding threads that I know exist with it. It reminds me of the early days of the internet when webmasters seeded their content indexes with about every common keyword and phrase. Every search lead you to an endless list of free porn sites. Ahhh... The good old days!
Last edited:


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
I'm pretty sure every topic has has been covered, search and you will see.


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
I definitely try to search first ask second but it seems to me that certain subjects can be difficult to search out even though the topics been posted a million times. I am referring to the times I have looked for certain subjects and had terms that were "too long, too short, or very common so ignored"...if there is an easy way around this I would love to know it as the search feature would be that much more powerful. Oh, and the flaming on this site is much less prevalent then what I have seen elsewhere (but it has been nastier lately). The Bronco community as a whole is a wonderful bunch.

Amen, I spend 2-3 hours min a day searching and reading. Sometimes things you would think are easy to find are not. Example, I'm no engine newbie, but this case was not clear cut to me. No replies..........


I searched here, fullsizebronco.com (since a good bunch of those rigs came with W's), and google. Maybe it has been beat to death here and I somehow missed the correct search word.

I pretty sure at this point of what the problem was, but it is nice when 2 or 3 people back up an answer with yeah, thats it. Gives the person asking the question a warm and fuzzy that the answer is correct and the problem is common.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2007
This topic comes up on any internet forum. Basic rules of civility should apply. It's pretty simple- people should treat each other w/ respect just like in real life. On the other hand, if you post a rave about David Hasselhoff you gotta expect a little sh!t to fly your way. This site has a great balance between real information and fun, friendly, banter. I wouldn't change a thing.


Village Idiot
Jun 5, 2005
I almost started and "attitude problem" thread a week or so ago when a new guy checked in. One of the welcome aboard replies read:

Welcome aboard.

Oh, before you "ask"... "search" works very well here.
Ooops, that was me.:-[ Wasn't meant to be a snide remark. Mostly informative. Maybe I'm the only one who took a year before I even saw the search button. Never claimed to be the sharpest pencil. ;D
I will usually try to find the answer in "search" section and bring it to the thread of the question.
So if it came across as illmanored, that wasn't my intent.


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
Haha, Art, its that kick me sign I wear on my back back with pride!!! ;D ;D

Oh I know I ask for it sometimes with my posts and responses but I can take it, Shawn has been thickening my skin for a while now ;D

And yes Hasselhoff should be given another shot with Knight Rider, true television quality there!!!

Woops, better get back on track or we are going to see a thread about thread hijacking :-X :-X ;D


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
I'm pretty sure every topic has has been covered, search and you will see.

True - there are really very few new questions here. In theory most threads with questions could be 2 posts - first, the "Newbie Question" and second the reply "Use Search you idiot!" End of thread.

In reality I often learn new things from old questions as different people answer with a different perspective on the old question.