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Why use a locker on the front????


Bronco Guru
Apr 24, 2008
If you are going to mostly drive on the road a Detroit tru-track out back is a great option.

Bronco Junkie

So Cal Broncos
Feb 29, 2012
How about a limited slip in the front? I have an LS in the front in my uncut. I have not had the turning problems like others with a locker have spoke about....BUT I don't think I have wheeled that Bronco as hard as others on here so I may not have had the total experience. So how about an LS in the front and hard wheeling?


Bronco Guru
Jul 16, 2012
Wheeled with a fellow CB member this last week at OCBR who was LS in the front and back last year, running 1,2's and 3's with little trouble. Locked in the back this year, still LS in the front and motored around effortlessly on the same trails. Wyflyer did 1,2,3's in his stock LS rear/open front with us this year and made it through fine.


Jr. Member
Oct 29, 2002
I went with ARB's because I plan to keep my Bronco for life. I have had tru tracs before and they work but there is nothing like having all 4 wheels locked and giving their all. Flipping the switch and back to open diffs is da bomb! There are very few situations where you need the fronts locked so having the selectable choice from the cab is worth the extra coin IMHO. And the bonus on board air compressor is, well, a bonus;)

Bronco Junkie

So Cal Broncos
Feb 29, 2012
Thanks to this thread I am seriously considering putting an air locker in the front on my trail rig I am building.


Bronco Totalitarian
Jul 30, 2001
Reno, NV
I'll throw in my advice here:

If you have a mostly street driven rig, put the ARB in the rear and a Detroit up front. I've found an auto locker up front is much easier to turn with than an ARB, and it keeps your truck a lot straighter on climbs having the front lock and the rear open. You also run less of a chance of boiling over your steering fluid. I've run both the ARB and the Detroit in the front of my crawler and prefer the Detroit.

ARBs are very good lockers. I wouldn't hesitate to run one in dual duty rig. Very reliable and very stout.

Spools are dumb. I wouldn't run one if you made me.

Limited slips are kind of pointless as well for a wheeler. Once you lift a tire they stop working. It's good for a rear axle of a street truck that may see light offroad, but really its functionality is LIMITED.

A lot of new guys get swept into buying gears, axle shafts and lockers. My advice is to go out and wheel your rig first and then figure out if you need a locker or not. There's nothing worse than spending $3 grand on gears and lockers to discover you hate the road manners of what you just spent. You may find that you don't want to get your Bronco in situations that can get it all scratched and dented. I certainly thought it was so bad ass to have a Detroit in the rear of my EB in high school. Now I'm dumping that thing since I don't plan on rock crawling my EB.

matt w

Bronco Guru
Jun 12, 2007
Thanks to this thread I am seriously considering putting an air locker in the front on my trail rig I am building.

I did the ELocker up front because my stock limited slip rear end has performed perfectly In some pretty hardcore stuff! If my truck has done so well with the stock limited slip the truck with the e locker up front should truly shine for my needs as it has been rare obstacles that has caused me to pull the trigger on the front ELocker.