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You won't believe what Discount Tire did to my NEW Bronco


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2004
Northern VA/DC

I'll not add any profanities, but DAMN!

Ok, I am pissed now! That was a beautiful Rig!!!!

F'them! Get the adjuster's quote & purchase the parts yourself! These rigs are custom & if you take it to a turkey shop, they'll probably do more damage than good.

Holy cow I am soooo sorry for you!



Bronco Guru
Feb 18, 2002
Indian Harbour Bch,
Hey man, feel for ya.
Don't let them pull any fast ones on ya. You should get new tires fer life there and that dudes nuts on a burning platter. I'd be so effing pissed.

ANyways, makes them replace all the 1/4s with new, the grill, core support, radiator, hood.... don't let them "fix" anything. Take it to the best body shop around. I say keep it orange - that's bad-ass...
Cheers, and be good


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
Sorry to hear about man. One thing you can be thankful for is that Discount tire will pay off like a slot machine on the big jackpot. I had a lady friend who had two Dunlap tires put on at discount tire. Sometime later she went back in and got the other two, this time they put on two Pathfinders. The difference in circumferance was 3/4". After both the front and rear differentals went south and she complained they had Chrysler (it was a Grand Cherokee) rebuild both differentials and they paid for a equal valve loaner while it was in the shop. Don't deal with the local shop call Corporate office.
Why thankful? If you'd gone to some off the wall tire company you'd been on the wrong end of pig tryin to get a kiss. I hope all works out for you.
On another note I DON"T let them drive any of my vehicles when I go into Discount Tire or anyother place for that matter. If I don't drive it in "It don't go in"!!!
Good Luck.


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2003
I think you should buy all of your new body parts from me. I have a nice mint condition grille for the low-low price of 4,000.00 that I can give you a 15% wholesale discount on. The front fender is going to cost you though, I'ts 7,000 but is a nice one! ;) Be thankfull that the chrome molding is still good because those are pricey.

But seriously folks.... I have stepped on both peddles in my rig before, they are pretty close together. Whats the shoe size of the moron in question? Sorry to be the stinker. I have a feeling this will all work out nicely for you. But it will depend on how much patience you have. The manager is one thing but insurance adjusters are a whole different ball game. Find out for yourself what it takes to fix it and don't accept less. If they give you any crap you can mention that you might be better off just hiring an attoney and sueing Discount Tire. Save that card for later though. You can only play it once and if you play it you have to be ready to back it up. Always continue to remind them in every converssation that you only want to have what is fair. Beat them over the head with the word "fair".

Jeff in AZ


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
I agree with airman. I know you guys are being facetious talking murder and such, but come on, crap happens. It is just a truck. It can be rebuilt. Luckily nobody was hurt. Discount will pay. maybe not willingly, but they will pay. I have worked in a shop for a fair number of years and I know that stuff happens. I wouldn't call the guy a moron or stupid because he was probably some inexperienced kid. I was pulling a riced out Tacoma onto the alignment rack one day being guided by my boss. This moron (owner of the truck) had those gay bling bling aluminum "racing" pedal strap-ons on his POS which make the pedals twice as big as they should be. My foot hit both the gas and brake at the same time and the truck almost jumped the alignment rack, through my boss and into the brand new 25K John Bean alignment machine. I think the bossman almost had a heart attack. I am not saying this is the case here in the Discount situation, but there are always two sides to a story.


Bronco Parts Collector
Dec 30, 2004
I am glad you didn't lose you cool. Crap happens, too bad it had to happen to you and this nice rig. I think you will come out of this smelling sweet. If you kicked his A$$ you would be in jail.

Although I am not a big fan of orange it sure looks sweet on your rig. I would keep it like it is.


New Member
Oct 29, 2004
Goshen, IN
If I were you, I'd go get myself a lawyer, and go to work. They will try to screw you one way other another. And no, don't EVEN think about getting 50% off on tires. That is ridiculous. They owe YOU. If you don't get a lawyer, they better fix your rig to exactly the condition or better it was before, you get yourself 5 Boggers, or whatever the best tire is, then you get yourself 5 of the best wheels, and maybe some service work or something just to keep you happy. They will do that, just to keep you from sueing them, if they are smart.....cost of the vehicle, punitive damages, pain and suffering... Don't get me wrong, i am not sue happy, however, you need to be protected.

There is not one red cent that should have to come out of your pocket. Don't lay down and play dead. They made a huge mistake, and they need to fix that mistake.

If the dude still works there, you should have his job.


Bronco Alchemist
Jan 21, 2005
You did the right thing. If you come unglued on them, they are not going to be very coperative. Be nice about it and tell them that they will need to make it "As good as new" and give you some compensation for your inconvenience. I had a similar situation where a tire shops neglagence caused about $2000 damage to my Bronco. I told them that if they made it right, I would not have to call my Lawyer and I would not have to tell everyone I know that they were a sh**ty business. They fixed my rig and gave me close to $1000 tires/rims free of charge. The owner actually thanked me when it was all over. You can cost them more than the price of repairs by telling everyone you know not to buy tires from them. Hell, I'd stand in front of their business with big before and after photos of my Bronco if I had to. Big companys will pay alot of Money to maintain their image.

Socal Tom

Bronco Guru
Feb 12, 2004
San Diego, CA
Next time you take it to a shop, make sure you pull it in and out. Keep copies of those pictures and show them if they give you any crap.

Are the gas and Brake pedals in the OEM locations?


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
I suspect some of my litigious, murdering, savage Bronco brothers may be exaggerating a bit in their responses and would in fact look out for and hope the best for the moron as they would wish the wise look out for and hope the best for them. I even suspect they would forgive as they would wish to be forgiven if they had made a mistake themselves. Sometimes stuff just happens and it's how we deal with these things that demonstrates the character developed and outcome arrived at, through such situations. Life is a learning experience for not only the moron, but the wise as well.

To expect that people are good and will do the right thing does not show weakness or a lack of wisdom, but instead puts the strength of expectation into motion towards positive outcome, which I would expect from what I have heard. Discount Tire has acknowledged their mistake, is taking action to correct it and inadvertently provided a training opportunity to a mistake making moronic employee and his coworkers though your patronage of their establishment.

Now with all that said, should they prove not to be good or fail to do the right thing, it is then time to become a litigious, murdering, savage Bronco brother !


Bronco Guru
May 13, 2004
Katy/Galveston, TX
I'm sorry that this happened to this Bronco, much less any other. It sucks. Stuff happens. That kid driving probably wont have a job after the companies' insurance gets the bill. Shops like these all have insurance policies to cover things like this should it happen. Your receipts and paperwork just help seal the deal for you when getting what you are due. Things just might be a little slow since you are dealing with corporate america now. Good luck with things, I vote for orange too, but I would use a different shade and paint the entire rig ;)


Jr. Member
Feb 29, 2004
Edmonds, WA
That sucks man, specially since you just bought it! All you guys need to take it easy on the guy who wrecked it, yeah he messed up royally, but who hasn't? I used to work at a Mercedes dealership and I've seen some pretty smart people do some pretty freaking dumb stuff before. You wouldn't believe how many $100,000 mercedes have been driven into walls, or backed into pillars, and imagine how much more costly they are to fix than a bronco. Not makin excuses, just showing reality. Anyways, hope you get it fixed up soon, and give that insurance co. hell if they try to shortchange you!


Bronco Guru
Sep 8, 2002
Waterford, MI
When I had my Ranger in the FORD shop to have the tranny replaced they called me and said it was ready for pick up...well I go there and my truck is no where to be found. Well the mechanic decided to take it for a "test run" and make sure everything was fine and decided to pick up lunch for the guys back in the shop. So I had to wait for him to come back and noticed that during the course of the 2 weeks in the shop my ranger had racked up over 500 miles...some of that is actually test driving, but most was probably the guys useing my truck and my gas to make parts or lunch runs. It seems to me that these people feel its theres as soon as you give them the keys. Its there responibilty but not theres to mess with. I have also seen guys at the car wash do burn outs and and mess with my sound system in my F-150... Ussually theres no rear damage done but it still insults you, as if you wouldn't notice or find out....As for discount they will fix you up, you just need to be willing to work with them. And as long as the frame isn't bent you should just have to replace some body panels and new coat of paint.


Feb 4, 2003
This just kills me. :'(
Just make sure you get compensated correctly. That is original paint on that beautiful rig after all, which means that is original fenders and grille as well. I would accept nothing less than NOS repair panels. How many original paint Broncos are still out there after all. Not many. How much did Kincade spend on Line-X alone on that one? A LOT!
I like the orange too. Was at the World of Wheels actually this past weekend. Orange was definetely the color of choice right now. Kinda cool, Kincade's is original orange with all the modern goodies. Good work at keeping your cool. I imagine you were wanting to rip arms off inside your head. Telling him to take his foot off the gas. Unbelieveable.


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Wow. Uuuuum, wow. After I got over my inital bout of nausea, I figured I have the composure to post.

Man, that really sucks. I feel like my dog just got hit by a car, and it's not even mine anymore.

A few thoughts, as I live with a lawyer.

Don't give them ANY numbers until they get back to you. don't try to screw them, but don't give them any ammunition either. I'd STRONGLY consider talking to a lawyer, if for nothing else to know what to not do.

Grille, radiator support, fenders, inner fenders, radiator, fan, probably the water pump, and a bunch of other things are ruined. Check the door alignment and tailgate alignment and see if it pushed the whole body back. I would bet it did.

See if the bumper is bent. that 1/4" seemed to hold up well, but it may be tweaked.

Don't forget the cost of POR, line-x; and those were all NOS panels, not the cheapie replacements.

Check the steering, steering box, column, etc.

Check the radius arms; especially the wristed one.

Check springs and mounts on front end.

Those lights are the upgraded Cibie w/ the hella relay kit; dont' let 'em throw stockers back in.

If it tweaked the tub all the way to the firewall, I suspect they will total it.

For gods sake, if they total it make sure you end up with it; I figured parts alone I could have parted it for about $20k+, but I couldn't bring myself to tear my work apart.

I'm out of town right now on the road, so I'm not very reachable; but leave me a message Hayes and I'll try to call you back.

I'm sorry man; that's hard for me to see, I can't imagine what you're feeling.
Feb 1, 2005
Discount tire

I suggest that "a" you get a member of the ebr or ?? who is an atty to help in this.. b. that you demand a entire front clip and it is to be done "JUST" like it was before the screwed it up. also include a new front bumper and front end alignment and toss in a new radiator due to possable "stress" There is NO reason you need or should demand less then that.. and that if "THEY" want some quotes from you then you also get reimbursed for your time and start calling "concours " type autobody shops that do lead work.. on "EXOTIC" vehicles and such.. there is no reason for even a tad of bondo.. and that YOU will persue legal action if its anyless then 100% satisfaction on your part..
Heck if "Rocky Roads" was around i would suggest you get a quote from them


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
I agree. But I think the damage will go farther than that in looking at it. There is not 1 oz of bondo on it now, and it should not have any after this. Make them replace the metal, not fix it.


Full Member
Jan 17, 2003
Thanks for all the advice, support and comedy. Reading all these posts actually calmed me down a great deal. Also, thanks for posting Kincade, I figured you must be out of town since I couldn't get you on the phone. Anyway, The estimate came back at about $4,700. Not as bad as I thought. I hadn't really thought of trying to get them to pay for the whole thing to be painted until someone reminded me that it was all original paint and that is now ruined, so the least they can do is pay for the thing to be the same color again, right? The body shop said the adjuster wouldn’t go for that, but I think I will mention the original paint thing and tell him that it is not negotiable. I wanted a Ford front passenger side fender, but no one has them. Carpenter no longer has any NOS. So, I am having them use what Carpenter has now. They (Carpenter) said they fit perfectly and not to worry...Unless anyone knows where I can find a NOS front passenger fender? I am having a new grill from Carpenter as well as core support and mounts. The frame didn't get tweaked and the door alignment is the same, except the passenger side because of that fender pushing into it, but the door itself is OK. New radiator and fan are a definite and the ciebe lights as well. Amazingly, the hood is only slightly damaged and can easily be repaired. That bumper has to be the toughest thing ever. It doesn't appear to have been damaged at all. The cabinets mounted to the wall helped slow it down before the bumper cracked the cinder block wall. I think I will call the shop tomorrow, before the adjuster gets there and make sure that a complete paint job is included. If I need to give the adjuster a "Bronco Expert's" opinion on how the original paint thing was actually "important", whom should I refer him to? Rocky Roads, BC....who? (Besides all of you nuts that would love to explain it to him!!) Someone with actual credibility would be great! Thanks again for all your support!!!

Kincade - Is that a Wildhorse 4 core staggered radiator? And it was for the stock setup right, not a 5.0 conversion one? Was the water pump any special type, or any other items unique that may not be recognized as such? Thanks!


Full Member
Jan 17, 2003
astark said:
I suspect some of my litigious, murdering, savage Bronco brothers may be exaggerating a bit in their responses and would in fact look out for and hope the best for the moron as they would wish the wise look out for and hope the best for them. I even suspect they would forgive as they would wish to be forgiven if they had made a mistake themselves. Sometimes stuff just happens and it's how we deal with these things that demonstrates the character developed and outcome arrived at, through such situations. Life is a learning experience for not only the moron, but the wise as well.

To expect that people are good and will do the right thing does not show weakness or a lack of wisdom, but instead puts the strength of expectation into motion towards positive outcome, which I would expect from what I have heard. Discount Tire has acknowledged their mistake, is taking action to correct it and inadvertently provided a training opportunity to a mistake making moronic employee and his coworkers though your patronage of their establishment.

Now with all that said, should they prove not to be good or fail to do the right thing, it is then time to become a litigious, murdering, savage Bronco brother !

Hilarious...That "speech" reminds me of the end of "Gone in 60 Seconds", where the guy whom they didn't think even talked, gave a philosophical and eloquent analysis of what some of his companions where alluding to at the time. Hilarious...!!!