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You'd think I'd learn


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
Since my story from a few years back won't go away, I might as well come clean on my latest escapade. As some of you may know, I lost a left rear wheel off my Bronco during OCBR 2004. It basically came down to not checking those pesky lug nuts.

Since then complacency has put a halt on preventive maintenance once again. This time it wasn't with the Bronco but it always seems when these events happen, the Bronco is always close by.

On our way back from OCBR 2006, my Bronco transporter (My Bronco copilot Doug and his truck/trailer) lost a wheel from the trailer on the highway. We were immediately unaware of what happened until Lil Hotz jr called us on the radio to tell us we lost a trailer wheel. They were traveling behind us at the time. When I replied back to repeat what I thought they said, we then were told the wheel had crossed the median and hit a small blue car. After making a safe stop onto the shoulder, we found the lugs on the hub were completely sheared off. (Later we found out the other wheels lugnuts were loose.) So we hurried to unhook the trailer and drive back to see if anyone was hurt. I'm happy to report that there were no injuries at all other than a dented little blue Mustang. After a few hours we managed to get new lugs on the hub and the spare tire put on.

So, just another reminder for everyone................don't just check the Bronco lug nuts. Get to checkin 'em all.


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Sr. Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reno, Nv
Come on man how do these things happen? I can't say I've ever lost a tire. Ok well once on my old bronco a funny noise was going on in the rear that I had no idea what it was. So a couple days later I go around a corner and my brakes don't work so well all of a sudden. I stopped and looked back to notice my rear driverside tire sticking out about a foot. Apperantly horrible noises are things not to be ignored. Especially when it's your rear wheel bearing tearing itself apart.


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Next year it's free Michael lug nut checks for you my friend, sorry we forgot this year ;)

lil' hotz jr.

Sr. Member
Dec 18, 2003
Knob Noster, MO
i would like to add to the story a bit, sort of say, i venting time. i've always had bad luck around our area with auto zone and oreilly's. i figures the only qualifications for the job was breathing. while doug and dad went back to check of the lady, and talk to the hypo, charley and i ran to the next town, ozark. the assistant manager was too busy playing with a scanner to help us. left to oreilly's. the kid there had to clue whats so ever and didnt understand they we were not from there, and could not wait for it to be ordered 2 days later. by this time, i'm pretty well ticked. no napa around:-[ , so we head to the next town, nixa. auto zone again...too busy talking on a phone. finally at the 4th flippen' auto store, we finally got helped. so by the time we got back to the trucks, dad and doug was back. mind you this has been about an hour to 1 1/2. just trying to tell myself, it's all good!%)
i'd say we were about 20 miles from springfield? close to that anyways


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
Well glad everyones alright, especially that poor lady. Some wheel come rolling right towards her!! Think you guys can just trade mustangs and it be all good? ;D


Bronco Guru
Oct 6, 2005
Shaver Lake, CA
I once borrowed a car trailer from a close friend and started driving to go pick up my dad's willy's for him and I went through an intersection and looked back to see the front of the trailer higher than the tailgate, my first thought was I forgot to lock the tilt bed down no biggie. But it turned out the surge brake hitch had broke in two the trailer was unhooked and the safety chain snapped insatntly and the trailer went through a wire fence and shattered a large phone pole. When I stopped the hitch was still coneected to my truck. Luckily it was in the country and no one was around to get hit. The electric wires held the top half of the pole from dropping. So my insurance had to pay $8500 bucks to the local power company and few hundred for fence repair and I felt responsible to rebuild the front half of the trailer to better than before and replace all four wheels three were bent and the fourth I figured they needed a spare anyway since the wheels on it were difficult to match. Needless to say I rebuilt it with much better safety chains and hitch. Since then I refuse to borrow someones trailer. The worst part is the friend w/ the trailer a couple years later jacked knifed it from whipping and bent the new hitch so he welded the one together that broke on me and is still using it no w/ no brakes, scary if you ask me.


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
sfaforester said:
Well glad everyones alright, especially that poor lady. Some wheel come rolling right towards her!! Think you guys can just trade mustangs and it be all good? ;D

I really don't see that happening!

68 Broncoholic

Bronco Guru
May 16, 2005
Yup, you need reverse lugs and nuts for the driverside.
When the wheels are spinning forwards the lugs are trying to spin off/ unscrew. Many big rigs have reverse threads due to this problem. I learned about this when I was dropping down a near verticle waterfall and my rear tire fell off snapping all the lugs and egged out the lug holes in my new wheel. Seems all the brodies earlier that day didn't do it any good. :p
Lucky for me my front tires just touched down and when I hit the gas to go forward the rear tires bounced by me. I was thinking... hey, I have a tire just like that... then I came crashing down. %) If it came off any earlier I probably wouldn't be writing this so yeah its a good lesson to learn for all. :cool:


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
I seem to remember someone saying........
'check the lug nuts.....' but I think they were talking about the bronco.
Being homeless & computerless is really spoiling my 'after event' fun!
but the house arrives Monday (YEAH!!!)
We're glad no one was hurt - I'm sure baby girl couldn't believe her eyes!
I think Don needs some locking lugs for Christmas;D :-*

lil' hotz jr.

Sr. Member
Dec 18, 2003
Knob Noster, MO
it didnt freak me out this time around. it just took me by surprise. i was thinking it may have came from someone who was in front of him...didnt think it was from dad's trailer. when we got out and seen it was sheered, thats when the oh sh*t came out.:eek:


Jr. Member
May 3, 2004
Fayetteville, TN
Well I don't have a picture to share but it is very similar to the one you posted. Back in 2001 the Wife and me headed out from North Dakota to SOB in Oregon. In BFE Montana we lost the same tire while the Wife was driving. It was a borrowed trailer, and I asked the guy when was the last time the wheel bearings were checked. He is real anal about his vehicles so when he said they were good I took him at his word. Well as the tire left the trailer and went across the median and two lanes then a deep ditch and up a hill and over a barbed wire fence before it stopped 500 ft in front of us. Oh, when the spindle nut landed in the median it set it on fire. I can still hear my Wife calling 911 saying that she caught Montana on fire. To make a long story shorter it cost 200.00 for new bearings, grease and a new spindle. What a way to start the trip. And then tho end the trip was Sept 11th and I left for south west asia.


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
2Broncos2Go said:
I seem to remember someone saying........
'check the lug nuts.....' but I think they were talking about the bronco.
Being homeless & computerless is really spoiling my 'after event' fun!
but the house arrives Monday (YEAH!!!)
We're glad no one was hurt - I'm sure baby girl couldn't believe her eyes!
I think Don needs some locking lugs for Christmas;D :-*

Ya know, I'm beginning to see a pattern. Anytime my offspring is following me, I loose a wheel!:eek: Next year I'll have to put her in the lead. %)


Full Member
May 22, 2006
St Petersburg FL
better be carefull with that statement before you know it she'll BE leading....Ahh what kinda crap am i talking, that will never happen;D


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
lil' hotz jr. said:
man, i feel like i'm getting slammed here.:cry: but you know if i lead, then maybe we can keep the speed under 80 mph. ;D
On the trails or the highway?;D ;D ;D ;D