Here are a couple that I can tell you off the top of my head.
Calling Painless is still a good move though, if just to confirm anything we say here.
So, the alt is a true one wire and I have it hooked to the positive side of the start solenoid with the positive battery wire.
Perfect. Alternator is basically a done deal then.
It is a tuff stuff 100amp and is grounded to the engine. The hot wire and ground are the only two connections on the alt. So, internally regulated.
Yep, done and done. The 4ga charge/BAT wire is your main connection, so some of the next few are either redundant, or simply not used.
wires in the harness I’m needing help connect in the new painless harness:
Have to get back to you on this one after reading the latest manual.
Speaking of which... How long ago did you purchase the harness? Recently or a long time ago?
Seems like I remember 915 being either the BAT wire to the alternator's BAT terminal. OR the power to the fuse panel from the starter relay through the Mega or Midi-fuse. My money is on the alternator, so check that.
If so, it's no longer needed because you now have a 4ga wire doing it's job.
You can choose to cut it off and terminate it safely, or re-purposing it to power other accessories.
This will depend on which ignition system you're using.
If points or just a basic electronic setup, then this wire goes to the "I" terminal on the starter relay/solenoid.
If you have computer controlled EFI and ignition, you can choose not to use it.
My guess is that #916 is your power hookup to the starter relay. This goes to the BAT side of the relay and is what gives the vehicle all it's power from the fuse panel.
red/blue 957 (ing mod start signal)
Are you using Ford Dura Spark ignition? Or anything with a computer that wants to see a start signal?
If the answer is no, then this wire is not used.
red/blue 919 (start solenoid “s”)
Just like it says, this wire goes to the starter relay's "S" terminal and is in fact the wire that gets things cranking when you turn the key to START.
If an original manual trans, this wire goes to the backup lamp switch on the steering column.
If an original C4, then this goes to the Neutral Safety Switch connection for the backup lamps.
(2) red/blu neutral safety switch - not sure I need these, mine is a 3 speed manual
I'll have to check the instructions to see if you simply disregard this wire, or if it needs to somehow be spliced to the other Red w/blue before it gets to the starter relay's S terminal. My guess is you ignore it, but I'd hate to be wrong and have zippity doo dah happen the first time you turn the key!
green 923 after market tach
Well, do you have a tach?
If so, connect it. Probably to a green wire on the tach harness, if it has one.
This goes to the positive side of the ignition coil if you are using a standard ignition.
brown 970 coil to starter selenoid
This goes to the POSITIVE side of the coil if you are using it.
So here's where we have to hear from you about what type of ignition you're running, and if you are going to be running a ballast resistor or not.
Again, sounds like it's only for a Ford Dura Spark ignition.
grey/yellow 999 ign mod to coil
With a Ford Dura Spark ignition, this goes to the NEGATIVE side of the coil.
Ask Painless. Seems like that's too many Red w/blue wires and too many to the module since the one earlier was also a start signal to the module.
Or is this a duplicate, or an actual additional wire with the same number as above?
Repeat/duplicate? Or are there two of them?
gry/yellow 999 ign mod to coil
Repeat/duplicate? Or are there two of them?
again I really appreciate all the help, I can post pictures if needed
Always post pictures! Not only lets us know what you're working with and might point out something we can suggest, but it also satisfies our need to see what you're working on. Because we like pics!