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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    Up Grades

    Agree with other to do disc brakes 1st. I'd recommend hydroboost over vacuum booster.
  2. sanndmann3

    Push or Pull

    Puller is more efficient. Air goes straight thru radiator before it gets to fan blades. it exits the spinning blades at an angle. If the fan was in front of radiator, the exit air hits the core at an angle, loosing efficiency. Thats my understanding of the situation...
  3. sanndmann3

    Must-do upgrades before I put my 1971 U15 back together.

    I would do atleast the front with disc brakes and take a look at hydroboost rather than a vacume booster. Night and day difference in my experience. Rear disk is nice but only if you have extra money after other upgrades. Fuel injection is another great upgrade. See efi guy (Garry) for the...
  4. sanndmann3

    EB v8 radiator w/ 351W?

    here you go Howard! ;) now get 'r done... lol p.s. a good fan shroud really improves the cooling efficiency.
  5. sanndmann3

    Long travel rear shock suggestion

    I believe I have the protofab shock mounts too and wanted the rear seat also. I ended up "notching the bench seat and also moving it back a couple inches to make it work.
  6. sanndmann3

    Explorer serpentine with aluminum heads

    I'm running the Edelbrock aluminum heads on my truck and haven't had issues. one data point for you...
  7. sanndmann3

    Frame off BP 306 Build Questions

    Take a look at this link from the tech library. Should give you a good idea of how the install goes. http://classicbroncos.com/tech/explorer-5-0-serpentine-accessory-drive-belt-conversion Pretty much a bolt up. You will need to swap the timing cover and harmonic for the explorer pcs. all the...
  8. sanndmann3

    C4 Shifting Wrong

    have you checked the modulator itself?
  9. sanndmann3

    pilot bearing

    Pretty cool! hadn't had to do that before... hope I can remember that trick... :)
  10. sanndmann3

    4r70w Rebuild Advice

    Good luck with the project and hope it works well for you! The transmission bench videos are good and thorough, sometimes too much so... ;)
  11. sanndmann3

    EFI Fuel Lines

    I used ptfe lined ss flex hose. don't use rubber due to the ethanol...
  12. sanndmann3

    4r70w Rebuild Advice

    It's not too bad. Just made double sure everything is clean and then clean it again. lol :) The hardest part is getting the 2 drums apart but making squeeze-o-matic gets you over that hurdle... you got this... :)
  13. sanndmann3

    Brake booster & Master cylinder

    x2 on hydroboost WAY better than vac booster.one of top 5 upgrades that I have done.
  14. sanndmann3

    NP435 with NP205 or Dana 20?

    What are you building the truck for?? I have broke 3 Dana 20s. They do not like high revs in low range, like I run on the sand dunes. Went to a 205 and ended my T case issues. Low range kinda sucked till I re-geared...
  15. sanndmann3

    Do You Get Compliments on Your Bronco Very Often?

    I usually have mine on a trailer going to or coming from Silver Lake Sand Dunes ... Usually get a wave or 2 along the way...
  16. sanndmann3

    74 EB Sandrunner under development

    That is an awesome truck! My daughter and I spent some time checking it out. Really like it.8-)
  17. sanndmann3

    blue print 306

    I can't personally vouch for it but maybe this one? https://www.wildhorses4x4.com/product/Custom-Crank-Pulley-Bronco-302-Explorer-5-front/bronco_pulleys Just be careful because it may contain products that cause cancer, birth defects or cause reproductive harm... :o%)
  18. sanndmann3

    York AC SERP mount bracket ?

    I used a York compressor(SC206?) from a VW Jetta as it was smaller in size and easier to make fit. Probably pumps a bit less air but had to compromise... I bandsawed and rewelded the Explorer p.s. bracket to help fit it in.. Used the pulley from the Explorer a.c. pump. the clutch bearing was...
  19. sanndmann3

    2020 Detroit Autorama Pictures

    I was there spending quality time with my daughter...😊