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Search results

  1. sanndmann3

    How to remove shift linkage arm

    Lightly pressed? Mine was really tight... I put some eat on it and it came out much easier. Replaced it with a new one ...
  2. sanndmann3

    Idahorocks and the Bronco Ranger

    Welcome aboard! Very nice looking Bronco. You have found the very best Early Bronco resource on the web. Very helpful and resourceful people.
  3. sanndmann3

    Explorer PS Pump PSI and FLOW modification

    The engineer in me wants to know what makes the diesel super duty pump different... is it that it has hydroboost? or some other factor? If anyone knows, chime in.
  4. sanndmann3

    Anniversary Grill Badge on ebay

    Sure is a nice looking badge, best of the bunch. Would love to have one but the price is above my pay grade right now...
  5. sanndmann3

    Is there a 12 step program for "Pondering"?

    I think Ford need to offer you a job stylin' the new Bronc... just sayin'... ;D
  6. sanndmann3

    Fuel Injection upgrade: How tough is it?

    I did the E.D.I.S. route with EFIGuy doing the harness and computer. Finding a Lightning upper and lower was the hardest part. It is absolutely doable, not that difficult.
  7. sanndmann3

    Explorer PS Pump PSI and FLOW modification

    lol... I have been looking for an 03-05 F350 Superduty in the bone yard to try this out. Nothing yet. Makes me wonder if I have to get this exact pump or if F150 p.s. pumps are similar (they look the same size...) Anybody know if there are other core options?
  8. sanndmann3

    351W Build Advice: Any engine build threads? Planning ahead.

    Serp stuff fits, got it on mine... I'd go stroker! :) 408 seems popular. Wish I had done it to mine. Also suggest fuel injection from EFI Guy. Not much help on specifics. Take a look on craigslist for buildable engine in your area...
  9. sanndmann3

    Mis-matched gears

    I'm assuming the tires are all the same size... if thats the case, like others said, the 2 R&Ps need to match or be very close. I do recall seeing a truck in 4 Wheeler years ago that had much larger rear tires than front and his R&P were sized accordingly...
  10. sanndmann3

    Explorer Serp stuff

    I think it will fit but not positive. I'm pretty sure when I built my engine in '05 that I used a double roller but wouldn't bet my life on it. Added serp 5 or 6 years ago and didn't touch the chain... Hopefully some one chime in with more definitive knowledge...
  11. sanndmann3

    Late spring ?

    Freezing rain this morning in Detroit MI... I just spent some $ yesterday on patio furniture so hopefully that help get the weather on track... ;D
  12. sanndmann3

    Explorer Serp stuff

    It came off an Astro. The install should be pretty straight forward but I always find a way to complicate things... :p I moved the booster over, away from the engine. Put the brake pedal when the clutch pedal should be... take a look at post 19 of this thread... (hope this isn't going too far...
  13. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    Thanks for the bump Dlish. Its never a bother to talk Bronco on a Saturday night or any other time for that matter... :) Come on out to Silver Lake Sand Dunes for the Bronco Take over in August and I'll show you my air powered margarita maker (after I drink your beer...) lol
  14. sanndmann3

    Explorer Serp stuff

    I'm running hydroboost and 4x4x2 box and 35" tires (15.5 wide) with the Explorer pump and it does decent. It does struggle a bit on pavement when I'm aired down but I really can't complain. There is a thread on here about swapping some superduty parts in to up the pressure and flow. I'm tempted...
  15. sanndmann3

    Dana 20 Cluster gear removal/replace

    Back when I had a Dana 20, it would chew up thrust washers on a regular basis. Low range and 5-6K rpm probaby had something to do with it... anyway, I was able to get the cluster gear out with the T case still in the vehicle so I could swap out washer. The hard part is getting the shaft out. Not...
  16. sanndmann3

    1000th post.

    Congrats! looks like you are in the guru club! Make sure someone shows you the secret handshake... ;)
  17. sanndmann3

    Single vs dual shocks

    Tell me more please. What terrain do you usually run? What model # for front/rear? Looking for something that soaks up the whoop -de -doos runnin fast in the sand...
  18. sanndmann3

    Single vs dual shocks

    Extra shock on the drivers side because 90 percent of the time there are no passengers... duh! ;) lol