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  1. sanndmann3


    Probably depends on how low a pressure you run. The lower the pressure, the tire can rotate on the rim over time. (would it tear out the valse stem from inner tube?) I run my Baja Claws around 4 psi up front and 3 in back. I have put an alignment mark on the tire/valve stem and checked it a day...
  2. sanndmann3

    Explore serpentine question

    Went junkin' today and grabbed a few cam bolts and brought them home... threads are 3/8-16 and the bolt length looks to be just shy of 1 1/2" fyi... (didn't see any p/n on it)
  3. sanndmann3

    Wild Horses Instagram promotion

    omg, thats funny! lol:D
  4. sanndmann3

    NP205 Pivot Bolt

    p.s. if you are looking for the plastic bushings, I had a hard time finding them as I believe they are obsolete. Ended up using these. (they seemed to be the same size). Hope this helps...
  5. sanndmann3

    NP205 Pivot Bolt

    I got 2 in good condition. you can have one for price of shipping.
  6. sanndmann3

    Making bronco parts

    Totally agree!Really cool.8-)
  7. sanndmann3

    SOLD Serpentine Belt Drive Ford Explorer 5.0 L

    omureebe, glad it made it there intact. Hope you didn't hurt your back picking it up... :) let me know if there are any questions. bronconut73 thanks for the kind words. You gonna get around to installing yours soon?
  8. sanndmann3

    Explore serpentine question

    Not sure what the number is...I'll keep an eye out next time I'm doing surgery on donor Explorers... :)
  9. sanndmann3

    New dash layout - your thoughts

    Looks like you got just about everything covered. Curious about what you are using for push button start... let me know what you found.
  10. sanndmann3


    And welcome aboard! We love pics so post some up. Sounds like a nice truck. :)
  11. sanndmann3

    Aluminum Tubing for PS - How to form the end?

    I don't know that I would use aluminum ( are you sure that isn't steel tubing?) I have soldered compression sleeves to steel tubes near the end to give a bump for the hose to seal against...
  12. sanndmann3

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Took my drive shaft apart... Collar shows signs of clashing... Guess I got some issues up front
  13. sanndmann3

    Which Derale cooler for the 4R70W? Mount?

    I put the superduty cooler in front of the radiator...
  14. sanndmann3

    Which Derale cooler for the 4R70W? Mount?

    What spap said. $40 more for the stacked plate is money well spent. When I had a similar arrangement, I put it on the pass. side inner fender and grafted some louvers into the hood to help with airflow. will try to post pics later. I've since gone to a 03 superduty trans cooler and I think it...
  15. sanndmann3

    Black smoke at idle

    idle circuit? maybe screws on side of metering block out of adjustment...
  16. sanndmann3

    Suggestion on Wood Steering Wheel ?

    I agree that the Nardi's look nice but they seem kind of spendy... out of my price range.
  17. sanndmann3

    Suggestion on Wood Steering Wheel ?

    Did something similar to JefeAZ Chrome Empire Light Sport... put it in your shopping cart and then leave the site for a day and they will send you a 10% discount...
  18. sanndmann3

    New Bronco model kit from Revell

    Yeah, me too... took the cellophane off. Thats as far as I got. %)
  19. sanndmann3

    Explore serpentine question

    8mm x 1.25 pitch. they are the same bolts as what hold the p.s. pump to the other bracket...