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Bronco Guru
Oct 15, 2011
Oly, WA
I know BCB is still backed p from theiur awesome Holiday sale. They sold so much that they are waiting on the mfg's to replenish their stock. Ive always had good service from them as well. Hope you get it resolved.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
I'll chime in since you asked a public forum for opinion. I too have an outstanding issue with BC Bronco's. Submitted an order 3+ weeks ago and still haven't received it. My first and only experience with this vendor thus far. I sent a email for status about a week ago, got no response. I then called several days later, spoke to a real nice lady who said she'd investigate and give me a call back. Several days have passed and no call back, no email response, and no product for which I ordered.

I realize BC Bronco's is just a reseller in most cases and that ultimately they're at the mercy of the original provider but still. I have a choice of which vendors to use and I paid a decent charge for shipping, I would expect at the least BC Bronco's could help provide tracking status for when their vendor will complete a customers orders. If it's going to take extra time for one reason or another, that's absolutely fine just tell me and provide that status. But to provide no status nor follow up with their customers tells me that I'm not important to their business.

So far, I'm not on the BC Bronco's bandwagon. It's a shame too because they have a lot of nice products for the Bronco community and I would like to do business with them in the future. But so far, that's questionable...

I agree, their products look great! The phone call from the start (the two hang ups, and then the live person) sounded like I was a big inconvenience. I did call during lunch, but thats no excuse. Don't answer if you don't want to talk. I held no attitude towards them at all, and just wanted to make sure the order went through. That's it. If anyone has to make assumptions about me, feel free to. With the coments mentioned above, and my experience, it may just be an issue of them being overwhelmed. Still no response from them, but I'm sure that will take time.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2012
Kempner, TX
The order was cancelled cause they could not meet your delivery expectations. Not sure what response they need to make on this one. What are you wanting from them?


Jr. Member
Mar 11, 2011
I have ordered a lot of parts from BC Bronco in the last year and I have never had an issue. The parts have always come in a reasonable time range and the support has always been excellent. I hate to hear that you had a bad experience, good luck with getting your parts.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
ya, on this forum it is only politically correct to bash one certain vendor,
and it's NOT BC Bronco's.



Sr. Member
May 5, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Yeah... I'm gonna chime in here too, because based on the service that I've received from them, I feel compelled to do so... I have their soft top, and I have SO MANY parts on my rig that I got from them.

Basically my plan was, call BC, talk to Roxanne (or Jason or Chuck) and figure out what they had that I needed, and THEN go somewhere else for the parts they didn't have.

They've been super-helpful over the 5 year relationship that I've had with them, and while I understand that we all have acceptable times in mind when we're waiting on a reply, it's easiest to just call and ask if you haven't heard back.

I frankly have never nor do I expect great, fast email responses... they have a number... if they seem busy today, just give em a try tomorrow. Sorry you had a bad experience, but I can vouch for them (like they need it judging from all of the satisfied customers they have) they are TOP NOTCH...



Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
As noted in past posts, Friday Chuck does lunch with his staff.
I work at a small buisness and if you call me during lunch your not going to get anyone eithor. Employees need to take lunch too.
I dont understand why people cant do their buisness during normal hours taking concederation that everyone takes lunch around noon. Maybe if people thought about others instead of thinking only of themselves.


CB Fire Starter
Jan 29, 2006
Bakersfield, CA
ya, on this forum it is only politically correct to bash one certain vendor,
and it's NOT BC Bronco's.


All I'll say is that there are a couple west coast vendors that will get product in the mail SAME day if you order it, especially if you ask, usually even if you don't. Seems best to contact to check stock just in case but if stuff is in stock there should be no more than a day to 2 lag time for processing and packaging. I have had to cancel an order from BC before because they just couldn't get stuff processed in a timely manner. Taking over a week to ship (not travel time) for parts in stock isn't very good, that was my experience. They do have some good products that are theirs exclusively. Props to chuck on that. I know most have had good experiences and thus the reason everyone will have a preference.


Sr. Member
Oct 22, 2011
I don't have any experience with BC, but I see your point about the service. You cancelled the order, right? That should be the end of the conversation from their end. You wanted to vent here and you did, that should be the end of it from your end.
From what I have gathered most of the Bronco specialty parts suppliers are mom and pop operations and don't seem to be as sophisticated as Nordstroms or Amazon.;)
Patience seems to be what is needed with an old Bronco, whether you are building, buying or just trying to drive it. ;D
For what it's worth, using "Has anyone else had a problem with BC Broncos?" as a title and asking a question or two, as opposed to trashing them, might have gotten better responses.

I placed my first order with them early Tuesday ($650). After not seeing a confirmation, I sent an email yesterday for a status update. After not getting a reply within 18 hours, I called to follow up. Got hung up on twice, finally got through on the Tech line.

The Woman at first could not find my order, finally tracked it down and said everything is in stock, it will go out next week. "Were just a bit behind in the shipping dept., but will get it out next week for sure. REALLY? I asked for a shipping upgrade... her answer -WITH ADDITUDE: "Sure, but you have to pay for it" I told her that if that's the way you're going to act, then please cancel the order. She hung up on me.

I'm sure someone will chime in on this, and I welcome private messages. I'll let everyone know if they reach out to resolve it, but I'm not holding my breath. The sad thing is they have a lot of other stuff I was planning on buying, including a softop. I find that poor customer service (a notification would be nice) is a huge factor in the sucess of a company. In this economy I think it's paramount.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
As noted in past posts, Friday Chuck does lunch with his staff.
I work at a small buisness and if you call me during lunch your not going to get anyone eithor. Employees need to take lunch too.
I dont understand why people cant do their buisness during normal hours taking concederation that everyone takes lunch around noon. Maybe if people thought about others instead of thinking only of themselves.

I'm sure you don't pick up, and hang up, and I'm sure they don't post their lunch schedules. Also, not everyone takes lunch at the same time, and the last time I checked, there are a total of nine (not 4) time zones in the US. Also are you really going to assume that I'm inconsiderate for calling when I did? And, please tell me when it's okay to order a sandwich, cause the workers at the sandwich shop need to eat too.


Sr. Member
Mar 16, 2010
South Louisiana
I really hate to hear this. I only bought a few times from them. A little slow on sending me a confirmation email but I called and it was sent. Great products and Chuck will talk you thru everything. Remember you don't know what is happening on the other end of the phone. Your pissed. Don't screw up a chance to gain knowledge from this vendor. I own and operate a small business and there are days when I am pissed and not on top my game. It happens to everyone.


Bronco Guru
Jun 29, 2004
I've ordered about three times and each time i got it in a acceptable time. What is acceptable seems to be where things go wrong.

I looked at their site after reading the complaint and found two things:
allow 1-5 days for an e-mail response.
no free updated shipping for any reason
no expectation of same day or 2 day shipping.

I know this won't resolve the first posters issue but it "seems" like you ordered on Monday. Sent an e-mail on Thursday, and was maybe pissed off by Friday.

Either way its your choice where you buy from. I don't see anything in your post that indicates I should not buy from them. Everyone else needs to make their own decision.

What I will add and I think its very important. They have a phone number and they answer the phone. How many parts suppliers out there that are e-mail only. Thats my first rule for buying on the internet.

wow, their rules are bullshit, I have a problem with any company doing business on the net WHO DONT return emails ASAP! heres a thought DONT use the net! also, much better way to get the point across then "no free shipping for any reason", c'mon Chuck if I order 5K worth of parts? where the customer service? and I am in the customer service business.


Bronco Guru
Jun 6, 2009
They offer products that nobody else offers, in some cases. I'm on my second order from them, where I've had to send a money order (don't have a second checking account that the wife doesn't see), and I make the arrangements with them ahead of time to make sure i get the amount right (I'm local, so I have to include taxes too).

I'm two for two with this... I get it all set up, send them the $$, and they call me after getting it to say that they're back-ordered on the product. First time it was for a redesign of their headers (6 weeks for me, whoa), this time it's an estimated 3 weeks for their tailgate cable kit.

The good news, they always call, usually twice in the beginning (if I don't answer the first time, and I usually can't).

I'm about to buy the ZF conversion kit from them, I will absolutely scream if this is the case with that package.


Bronco Guru
Mar 28, 2011
Madisonville, La
Wow. In 3 days time from placing an order to canceling an order and bashing a vendor that appears to have a very good reputation on this site. A vendor who sounds like they do everything in their power to work with the customer on all issues. Not only issues about products you order, but issues about EB in general. 3 days????????? Again, WOW!!!


Bronco Guru
Jun 6, 2009
also, much better way to get the point across then "no free shipping for any reason", c'mon Chuck if I order 5K worth of parts? where the customer service? and I am in the customer service business.

All businesses have margins, and everything bronco related is heavy, so shipping costs will be high, eating in to that margin. I'm sure he'll be glad that you paid the light bill that month, but you're probably one of many in line who're ready/willing/able to buy the product. Good customer service is getting the product to you in great shape, on time, and complete. Paying to play means paying freight too;D


Sr. Member
Aug 29, 2003
Beaverton, oregon
I don't think people coming on here name calling is appropiate but I do give anyone kudos for having the nads to try and warn me and others about bad service. My one and only experience with BC was far from ideal. It was'nt a high dollar part so because of that I chose not to come on here and make a stink about it. But it did remind me to think twice before ever dropping wad of cash on anything bigger from them. I see this come up every now and then where a guy comes on here and has a complaint and although the approach was'nt ideal he gets put down for speaking up. I am sure there are alot of people who have had great experiences but in the same breathe "where there's smoke there is usually fire" some people just keep mum expecting to get flamed. Thanks for speaking up Brianstrange, just be cool about it so people will listen and not immediately take sides whether it's against or for you. But people do need to speak their mind good or bad. ;)


Full Member
Feb 9, 2012
Kempner, TX
wow, their rules are bullshit, I have a problem with any company doing business on the net WHO DONT return emails ASAP! heres a thought DONT use the net! also, much better way to get the point across then "no free shipping for any reason", c'mon Chuck if I order 5K worth of parts? where the customer service? and I am in the customer service business.

God Bless America where we have the choice to choose who we do business with. My first post here was on some LEDs that I got from BC. Someone else found the same bulbs from Hong Kong for more than half price and is gonna wait a "few weeks" to get it. In this case BC provided "exceptional" service compared to the other guy.

I won't convince the original poster that BC is good, he won't convince me that they are BAD BAD BAD. Its all in the expectations. And once you learn them, you make a choice.


Sr. Member
Aug 24, 2001
Take it as you will. I am sharing my experience, not bashing or thrashing, just stating facts. It was a bad experience, and the ball is in their court. If they want to resolve it, I welcome that they chime in.

Maybe you should edit the title of your thread. It appears to contradict your statement.


Bronco Guru
Mar 22, 2004
When I hear people speaking bad of others I learn more about them than I do about the person whom they speak about.
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