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Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2005
X2...BAD BAD BAD is a fairly polarizing way to start a thread. I'm all for people voicing their experiences with vendors as it is all part of what can be involved with a Bronco vendor/customer relationship and the potential ensuing relationship...good, bad or indifferent.

I have ordered from Chuck in the past, and while I probably don't run my business the same way (I am a firm believer in answering/returning phones calls and emails same day if at all possible), I understand and respect that my way is not the only way, nor even the right way. Do a search, BCB is not known for quick turn around on orders/CC charges/shipping/etc, it's common knowledge. My soft top took longer than expected when I ordered...which is what I expected. As was stated earlier, we live in an Amazon world where everybody expects 16 confirmation emails within 15 minutes of placing an order online, so it comes down to expectations.

I would never judge a business for "hangups"...that could be a technical problem with your phone, not theirs, so before you assume anything, why not give the person you're calling the benefit of the doubt. In general, I like to believe that most Bronco folks are good people including the OP, and for the most part, I think I'm right.
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Sr. Member
Sep 3, 2004
Mountain Home, Idaho
Nobody is trying to say you are a bad person however, rather than making further attempts to reach them via email, phone, etc. you chose to come on here and rant and expect them to "chime" in. In my opinion, if business is bad somewhere, I take my money elsewhere.


My wifes porn star.
Dec 29, 2009
Morrisdale Pa.
I'm not to crazy about hearing vendor bashing on the net!! This is something that you should work out with them. As already said, BC offers items that no other does and is a small biss so things get backed up easily. When a consumer spends his or her money today they think that it should happen right now and thats that. My advice is if you can't handle this kind of thing well and without unnecessarily bashing a vendor, then you should order by phone and not the net!! This is just my 2 cents on this sort of topic and is by no means a hit on any specific person.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
"BCB is not known for quick turn around on orders/CC charges/shipping/etc, it's common knowledge. ........" Just figured that out.....my bad!

"we live in an Amazon world where everybody expects 16 confirmation emails within 15 minutes of placing an order online, so it comes down to expections." again, not my issue

"I would never judge a business for hangups...that could be a technical problem with your phone, not theirs, so before you assume anything, why not give the person you're calling the benefit of the doubt." I did, she was rude after the fact.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
Nobody is trying to say you are a bad person however, rather than making further attempts to reach them via email, phone, etc. you chose to come on here and rant and expect them to "chime" in. In my opinion, if business is bad somewhere, I take my money elsewhere.

Actually, I'm done with it. I stated my experience, and I'm moving on. If they want to reach out, I would take the call, but I have no need to go out of my way and ask for an apology from them. If they see this as important, they will reach out. I will stand up to anybody that chooses to question my character after I was treated poorly. I will also stand my ground that I was nothing but polite. Believe what you will, I know what happened.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
Hello this is Roxanne. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with us today. I tried to explain to you eariler that we are a little backed up in the shipping department right now. You placed your order on Tuesday the 21st and we didn't pull it until Wed. the 22nd in the morning when we came in. When I spoke to you we had only had the order here two days. We have olny one guy in our shipping department right now so we have had to pull one of the guys from the office to help out with shipping. We are a little behind do to the high volume of orders being placed at this time of the year. When I told you we would get your order out on Monday you wanted us to pay for upgrade shipping. I said that we werent able to do that but you could if you needed the order quickly. There was no indication that you needed the order by a certain date and no air requested. If you had put a note on the order we could have maybe moved you up a little but it is hard to put your order in front of everyone elses they also all need there parts. If you need something by a certain date and you request air shipment then we make sure we get it out that day because it is a service that costs extra. Without somekind of request from you we do not know. After I told you we couldn't upgrade the shipping you said you wanted to cancel the order and as far as I know hung up on me. We have been having some trouble with our phones of late so maybe we were just disconnected. Sorry for the problem with your order.
This is Chuck, I had Rox reply because she was the one you talked to so knew better what was said and or ment. The only thing I can add to everyone. We do not charge until we ship so we try to ship ASAP. If you are in a hurry please let us know otherwise we put your order on the bottom of the stack.


Jr. Member
Jan 17, 2007
Nice professional response. About what I expected.

BCB works for me. Will be ordering as soon as I find that cash I misplaced;)


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
Hello this is Roxanne. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with us today. I tried to explain to you eariler that we are a little backed up in the shipping department right now. You placed your order on Tuesday the 21st and we didn't pull it until Wed. the 22nd in the morning when we came in. When I spoke to you we had only had the order here two days. We have olny one guy in our shipping department right now so we have had to pull one of the guys from the office to help out with shipping. We are a little behind do to the high volume of orders being placed at this time of the year. When I told you we would get your order out on Monday you wanted us to pay for upgrade shipping. I said that we werent able to do that but you could if you needed the order quickly. There was no indication that you needed the order by a certain date and no air requested. If you had put a note on the order we could have maybe moved you up a little but it is hard to put your order in front of everyone elses they also all need there parts. If you need something by a certain date and you request air shipment then we make sure we get it out that day because it is a service that costs extra. Without somekind of request from you we do not know. After I told you we couldn't upgrade the shipping you said you wanted to cancel the order and as far as I know hung up on me. We have been having some trouble with our phones of late so maybe we were just disconnected. Sorry for the problem with your order.
This is Chuck, I had Rox reply because she was the one you talked to so knew better what was said and or ment. The only thing I can add to everyone. We do not charge until we ship so we try to ship ASAP. If you are in a hurry please let us know otherwise we put your order on the bottom of the stack.

Thank you both for replying, but I am going to disagree about some of the statement above. So you both know, and as I mentioned, I called two times where the phone rang once, picked up, and quickly hung up on. There was no time for anyone to even say hello. It wasn't until I called the tech line until someone answered, and I sensed a lot of (what I thought was) frustration. Did I call at the wrong time of day? Did I interrupt someones lunch as some suggested? I don't know. You did tell me about your shipping problem in a manner as if it was my problem, and said you would get the order out early next week (not Monday) when I asked about sending priority shipping, your response was "Yes, but you're gonna have to pay for it. No "sorry", no concern, just this is how it is....... At that time what I thought was frustration was clearly attitude. I then said, well if that's how your going to treat this then just cancel the order. I clearly heard the hangup, not just a mysterious disconnect.

Chuck, I have seen recent posts by you about suppliers that have a terrible shipping record, and poor communications. I get that and agree 100%. It's frustrating, I know. Now picture that person either direct their frustration or give you attitude (whichever was the case) Try to see this from my point of view.


Sr. Member
Dec 6, 2005
Evansville, Indiana
Why would you think Chuck would chime in, or call, or email you after you started a thread Called BC BRONCOS BAD BAD BAD!! I mean to me that makes no sense at all. I don't know if you were rude to Roxanne or not, or if she was to you for that matter. On top of it you canceled your order, what is there to fix? Their hospitality towards you? Their willingness to ship your order priority for no extra charge just for you? Hey that sound fair!!! Put your stuff in front of others who are also waiting the same amount of time. Or better yet ship yours out priority for free along with the other priority purchases that were actually paid for HMMM make sense to me%) Or maybe he should take some more time on top of all that and apologize for not getting that conformation email within half a second. :eek:

Oh and Chuck is not just a resale guy! He makes a bunch of the parts he sells right there in house then goes home and gets on the computer or the phone with guys that spend hard earned money on his products to help them if they need it.

Rant off



To tell the truth it does not suprise me one bit that chuck did chime in. That is just in his character. He is a great guy and Roxanne aswell. Maybe next time you would think about bashing a vendor like this. Maybe ask opinions, You can tell your story sure after it is resolved with the vendor. UNLESS it is SADDLE UP!!!!!!!!! then pass out the guys address!
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Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
BCB has always handled my stuff fairly, accurately and promptly. they are tops in my book.
anyone who has a problem with any vendor should count to ten and cool off some and then call back and talk to the boss in an effort to get things corrected. knowing Chuck well I know he woulda handled it quickly if you had at least given him a chance to fix it. instead you got on here, labelled them bad, bad, bad and whined about a very simple, easy fix problem. really classy.


Sr. Member
Aug 24, 2001
There's no contradiction.

Again, I'm sure if they want to make it right, as many have said, they will chime in.

from Websters
b : a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another

;) hope you get it worked out


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2011
from Websters
b : a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another

;) hope you get it worked out

Again, I see no relevance.

Are you saying that by me willing to give them a second chance is contrary? Whatever the case, I have moved on, and have zero regrets. I shared a bad experience, and people can decide what they will. For those that choose to hold ill will, I would still offer my best hand to help you in the worst of situations. Something positive has come from this experience, and I'm sure there will be change for the better.
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