My wifes porn star.
the kind ya pay for.What kind of help are you looking for?
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
the kind ya pay for.What kind of help are you looking for?
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
the kind ya pay for.
It’s an EEC IV ECU. Only way to custom tune it is to plug a Moates Quarterhorse into the J3 port on the back, then use software like Binary Editor or TunerPro RT to create a custom binary file (tune). Datalog, use the info to optimize the tune. Once you are satisfied, burn a permanent chip and use it to replace the Quarterhorse. I’m in the middle of that right now, with my 408.I think part of the question is because it’s EFI and a factory computer, there is no actual “tuning“ available in standard form without some extra equipment and expertise.
You hook it up to the sensors, plug it into power and go.
If it needs tuning then perhaps while it’s being looked at and rebuilt by computer expert is when it should be tuned to any changes you’ve made to the engine.
My understanding is that even if someone could pop over and tune it for you on site, the computer would need the add-on bits before the tuner could hook it up to their equipment and make changes.
You'll need to get your own Quarterhorse, and you'll need a laptop with some software, but someone else can do the actual tuning.I guess I was hoping someone that has Quarterhorse and Binary Editor could do this for me and burn a chip.
Not exactly. it one time use or something?
Bummer that you were sold a lemon, but it sounds like the repair outfit was able to make lemonade for you.I may have this back today.
All stock 351 and the only thing changed from mustang is explorer injectors, tb, and maf.Bummer that you were sold a lemon, but it sounds like the repair outfit was able to make lemonade for you.
I looked through all your posts. Seems that your setup is pretty much stock Mustang 5.0 except for the 351W block. If you posted anything about the 351 build, I missed it. Also, what fuel injectors are you running? If you aren't sure, just look at the color. The reason I mention all this is because if it's a stock truck 351W and you have 19 lb/hr (stock Mustang 5.0, they are orange) injectors, your rebuilt ECU will probably run your combo pretty well as-is.
I like this guy in these videos, I wish he were closer so that he could tune mine.I'm coming in late - what ECU are you running?
Mustang ECU + Explorer Intake and Throttle body is going to experience idle issues. My guess is that your base idle air is too low, and that's why it's dying.
I have a Mustang ECU on a 351W with a cam on the hotter side (in my rock crawler) that experienced the same issue and I had to retune the ECU with Binary Editor. I will see if I can dig up all the things I changed - but there are a lot of variables in the idle function that can really screw this thing up until it goes into closed-loop at idle (~140°F and some period of time). I'll have to look at my tune to see specifically.
The photo Tasker posted is a factory SPOUT. Seems to me that at least some aftermarket harness manufacturers use something that looks different. What ever. It's just interrupting the timing control when you pull it, kind of like disconnecting the vacuum advance before setting timing on old skool distributors.Yes, running a spout connector but it doesn't look like that. I"m questioning the timing marks I can't remember but with that front dress and the 5.8 or original 302 balancer I'm not sure I have the right marks. I think I'm going to use some timing tape next.
The explorer throttle body works ok with mustang injection. Explorer injectors are either 19 lb or 17 lb depending on the year, so you may have a miss-match there. Explorer MAF does not work well with stock mustang EFI.All stock 351 and the only thing changed from mustang is explorer injectors, tb, and maf.
Type | PID | Description | A9M_GPW_R7_MAF120_KAMRF_CANPR | A9M |
Scalar | PFEHP | Air - EGR System Type | Disabled | Sonic |
Scalar | THRMHP | Air - Thermactor Present | Disabled | Enabled |
Scalar | ADAPTM | Fuel - Adaptive Control Delay Time | 50 | 60 |
Scalar | MAXADP | Fuel - Adaptive Control KAMRF Maximum | 1.1484 | 1.1211 |
Scalar | MINADP | Fuel - Adaptive Control KAMRF Minimum | 0.8516 | 0.8789 |
Scalar | AFECT1 | Fuel - Adaptive Control Min ECT Minimum | 160 | 170 |
Scalar | Z_AFR | Fuel - Air Fuel Ratio | E10 | Gasoline |
Scalar | SHFRPM | Fuel - DFSO Shift Min RPM | 750 | 650 |
Scalar | AHISL | Fuel - Injector High Slope | 24.0003 | 19.6417 |
Scalar | ALOSL | Fuel - Injector Low Slope | 31.9208 | 26.0997 |
Scalar | FKARC1 | Fuel - Manifold Filling Model Fast Filter Constant | 0.2946 | 0.25 |
Scalar | FKARCH | Fuel - Manifold Filling Model Slow Filter Constant | 0.2209 | 0.2 |
Scalar | Z_PUMPP | Fuel - Pump Prime Time | 2 | 1 |
Scalar | IDLRPM | Idle - ISC Max Idle Closed Throttle | 922 | 850 |
Scalar | ISCLPD | Idle - ISC Maximum Drive RPM | 896 | 824 |
Scalar | DNAC | Idle - ISC RPM Adder For A/C | 200 | 24 |
Scalar | TKDTM | Idle - ISC Startup Kickdown Time | 35 | 25 |
Scalar | BZZRPM | Idle - ISC Startup RPM Adder | 96 | 64 |
Scalar | DACTM | Idle - RPM Adder for A/C Time | 2 | 5 |
Scalar | HWRPM | Idle - RPM for Heated Windscreen | 744 | 672 |
Scalar | DRBASE | Idle - RPM In Drive | 744 | 672 |
Scalar | NUBASE | Idle - RPM In Neutral | 744 | 672 |
Scalar | ITHBMA | Idle - Throttle Body Air Flow | 0.7771 | 0.55 |
Scalar | ROM_TO | System - Checksum | 56569 | 9795 |
Scalar | SARCHG | System - Engine Displacement (CID) | 354.99905 | 301.08332 |