Soo electrical is not my game at all. Half of what you posted went right over my head. I’ll have to look and send pics when I get back to it. I’ve been reading about the colors and years and admit to be a little intimidated. I don’t have a trusty mechanic up here to even think of sending it to. I might have the originals that came off this bronco, but then again I’m not sure why a mechanic switched it to points. I do remember that when it had an electronic ignition I never had this “heat soak” issues, which leaves me to believe the 4 degrees retarded timing at crank helps tremendously. Let me round up some of the wiring paperwork and get pics. I dunno who the electrical guru is.. the jccsksy* seems like he’s done this a time or two. I’d gladly let someone hold my hand to help me switch back lol. Everytime I change something I have to learn it. Thanks for the help and advice so far