Curious what the thought was between the heavy duty truck feel vs the car-like AX15 or NV3500. Thanks for the input.
As they're saying, it all comes down to what you want from the Bronco.
If you're going to go off-roading, hauling lots of expedition gear, put large tires on it, or just beat on it hard, the 4500 and ZF might still have advantages.
They have low first gears for crawling or hauling heavy loads up a hill, and they have the physical beef to take lots of abuse (theoretically) before failure.
The occasional cruise on the street is not a problem with them, but they're biased to the dirt in an "old-school truck" kind of way.
So if that's what you cut your teeth on driving already, then the feel of a truck transmissions slower and clunkier shifting would not be an issue. I like them and don't have any trouble with their clunky shifting because I remember worse.
But if this is a street rig only, with maybe a foray now and then down some cattle trail on the back 40, and will spend most of it's time taking the kids (if you have young ones still) and family to dinner and ice cream in town for fun, then gets parked most of the year, then the smaller, lighter, smoother shifting transmissions with almost regular first gears are seemingly the better choice.
They're not exactly "car like" I would not say. But they're closer to it than the big boxes.
If all of the above pertains, and you're going to do it all, then you just decide which way you need to compromise. Granny gear and chunky shifting, or easier shifting around town and less drama during the install.
Granny gears are great in their place. You don't normally use 1st/low unless you have a poor choice of differential ratios vs tire size. You start off in 2nd which is not much different sometimes than first gear is with a stock trans. The medium low ratio of the AX15 (what, about 4:1 maybe?) can be utilized on the street if you need a little extra oomph, or you can still start in second if you prefer.
They're all decent boxes. But like John Sebastian used to say, "you just gotta finally decide" for yourself in this case and pick the one you like.;D