So i dropped in the motor this weekend since i found that the head gasket was leaking on the old motor. plenty still to do though. found a few more things i need to work out.
- the throttle cable hole to the pedal is behind the upper intake with not a lot of room between. anyone have a problem not getting this to fit between?
- coolant hoses. i have the stock radiator. i looked up and seems the 02 ford diesel lower and a 69 GTO upper is suppose to work with minor trimming.
- does the throttle body have to be clocked? looks like the little actuator on the top sits high and slightly touches. seen some posts on that. i have a 2" BL. would that still be able to use stock cable?
- can the elbow on the intake be used or does it have to be removed? most post i have seen is removed but was hoping to keep the egr which is built into the elbow. could effect PCM programming if installed or not. though would simply some things without it.
- does the coil pack mount need to be modified to fit lower? i think it could work as is but wire slightly touch hood cross bar. chop an inch off and re weld it.
- with the headers the oil dipstick tube cannot mount as before, how to re-secure it elsewhere?
- the starter solenoid needs to be moved as it is super close to the alternator.
- new PS line. which is pretty straight forward. is there a off the shelf that works or would i just get a new end on the box side?
- finish the body side wire harness
The upper plenum seems really close to the Firewall, do you have the tranny attached and in place? If not, then it might move up and away once it is.
I have never been able to make the lower F250 diesel hose work in 5 conversions... I use WH's lower tube with the factory lower hose cut in two pieces. Never tried the GTO option.
Yes, you have to clock the TB so the IAC is not on top. 2" BL might work, but you will need to do some testing. I have made the factory cable work, while reclocking the TB.
Yes, you can keep the EGR elbow, but it is a pain in the A*s. Relocate the battery to the drivers side and have a long Pos cable to the Pass side of the Bronco. Then you have to have the inlet pass over the Alt.
Yes, you can program the EGR out of the programming. But that is a question to ask EFI Guy as the EPA has been following up with tuners to insure they are not removing smog items.
Yes, lower coil packs, at least an inch and have it tilt down a little more in front.
Yes, relocate the Starter relay to the front of the wheel well. You should use the Explorer one.
Don't know of a factory hose that will work? Used the Lee adapter from WH's and had a hose made at the hydraulic shop. Guys here have made most of the factory Explorer hose work. PS box end is metric. I cut that on off and replaced it with the correct size and reflared the end.
I made a bracket off the header bolt and bent the dipstick tube slightly to make it work.