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I Survived the Alaska Highway (ALCAN)

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
The move is complete. The drive up from Montana to Anchorage, Alaska was not without its challenges, but I'm happy to say we made it. I rented a U'Haul Auto Transport to get the beast here and we had a blowout on one of the tires about 100 miles from anywhere in the Yukon Territory. Luckily I got my Titan stopped quickly, but we were stuck on the side of the road for six hours waiting on U-Haul to come repair the tire. U-Haul no longer gives you a spare when you rent one of their vehicle or trailers. (BS Huh?) Anyway, the Bronco will be pulled into my garage today or tomorrow and the front disk brake conversion is my next project. Since I don't have doors, I doubt she will get much action this winter. A special thanks to BooRae who met me at the base and offered his assistance in finding a spot to park her until we got settled. I look forward to joining the local Bronco group and seeing all the local rigs.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Vancouver, WA
Anchorage huh? I was there in '75 palying in a band at a club called the Alaska Mining Company. What a bruttal gig. We played 5 nights a week from 9pm to 4:30am!!! :eek: But hey, the pay was great, the crowds even better, and those breaks in the parking lot were... :cool: Man there was some money flowing there... still a lot of pipeline construction going on. There was another bar there called the Monkey Bar that had monkeys in a glassed over area behind the bar, swingin' around and stuff.
Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Anchorage huh? I was there in '75 palying in a band at a club called the Alaska Mining Company. What a bruttal gig. We played 5 nights a week from 9pm to 4:30am!!! :eek: But hey, the pay was great, the crowds even better, and those breaks in the parking lot were... :cool: Man there was some money flowing there... still a lot of pipeline construction going on. There was another bar there called the Monkey Bar that had monkeys in a glassed over area behind the bar, swingin' around and stuff.

I haven't run into those bars yet, but will keep my eyes open for them.

hucklburry rev2

Sr. Member
Jan 17, 2006
Was up the Alcan back in about 78, before it was all paved. I love Alaska, went there on my honeymoon too, on the Kenai.

I love this website, some EBs on it. Check out the trip reports and the classifieds and the build threads.


For eveyone else, its worth checking out some wheeling these guys get to do on the trip reports page.



Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
1st SRG.. Good Luck ......We were in AK . this summer was a great place to get to see ...don't know about the deep winters but I love to see it for about 6 mo.
we loved it .....It was hard to get off ''ISH'' time when we got home ........But there are a lot of good helpful folks in AK ...you'll have fun while your there ........Back in the 40 's WWII my uncle was over the hwy 1 project or at least one of the soldiers on that project ...RET. Colonel Willie Tate ...He has stories of AK also ....
GOOD LUCK SON and WE'RE PROUD OF YOU .........Salute! Thanks for FREEDOM.............
Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
1st SRG.. Good Luck ......We were in AK . this summer was a great place to get to see ...don't know about the deep winters but I love to see it for about 6 mo.
we loved it .....It was hard to get off ''ISH'' time when we got home ........But there are a lot of good helpful folks in AK ...you'll have fun while your there ........Back in the 40 's WWII my uncle was over the hwy 1 project or at least one of the soldiers on that project ...RET. Colonel Willie Tate ...He has stories of AK also ....
GOOD LUCK SON and WE'RE PROUD OF YOU .........Salute! Thanks for FREEDOM.............

Thanks Papitt


New Member
Oct 5, 2007
Kingman AZ
You will have a great time 4 wheelin Alaska I lived there 21 years before moving to AZ .Made a custom set of chains for my first Bronco a 72 that ran circles around everyone .I made my first Alcan drive in 1981 when there was about 800 miles of dirt road from Calgory to White Horse .(it was raining almost all the way)Anyway you will be surprised as to how many vintage autos are stashed away in Anchorage including Broncos.Have fun!!!


Sr. Member
Dec 22, 2006
Abita Springs, LA
So there I was, driving to lunch with my wife when out of the corner of my eye I saw this great looking Bronco on a trailer in front of Billeting (base hotel). Knew right away who that was. Thats a good looking rig he has put together.
Senior, did you all move on base? Glad you all made the trip safe. Had to be a challenge with two childern in car seats!
Let me know how I can help.

Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
So there I was, driving to lunch with my wife when out of the corner of my eye I saw this great looking Bronco on a trailer in front of Billeting (base hotel). Knew right away who that was. Thats a good looking rig he has put together.
Senior, did you all move on base? Glad you all made the trip safe. Had to be a challenge with two childern in car seats!
Let me know how I can help.


Yeah brother, we moved in on Vosler. I should have my Bronco in my garage tomorrow. Do you know anyone who has some carb adjusting experience? Mine is running way too rich and I need to have it emissioned tested. I'll pm you with my info. Thanks again for stopping by to say hello and offering your help.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Vancouver, WA
I haven't run into those bars yet, but will keep my eyes open for them.

Those bars are probably long gone brother. I wonder if Chilkoot Charlie's is still around though. One of those frountier type taverns where you keep your eyes in the back of your head open when you go in. Anyway, enjoy your new adventures!


Sr. Member
Oct 24, 2004

Welcome to Alaska from AK68. I'll be happy to help you get oriented also. Lots of jeeps here and a few EBs. We have some low key EB get togethers occassionally.
Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Welcome to Alaska from AK68. I'll be happy to help you get oriented also. Lots of jeeps here and a few EBs. We have some low key EB get togethers occassionally.

Sweet! Thanks brother. Do you happen to know where I can score a decent stock 2 barrel carb? I think my old one is a Motorcraft 2100. The throttle is sticking like crazy. My rig doesn't have doors, so I doubt I will get much driving in anytime soon, but I would like to get it emissioned tested so I can register it.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2004
Congratulations on a successful move, We moved my Sister-in-law up there in May of '05. That highway isn't too bad, but you better be on your toes! Very neat sights to!

We vacationed up there this last May as well (So I could get my wife hooked as she wasn't in on the move the previous year) and had a wonderful time. Ak people were very nice and we're looking forward to going back.

Try the rootbeer (and the other beer) at Glacier brewhouse, that's good stuff.

My SIL lives in Soldotna, and we spent quite a bit of time in that area as well. I had to turn down an offer to go wheelin with a fellow bronco guy because we couldn't make it work, but it just shows you how nice folks are up there.

Find a hobby for the winter so you don't go crazy and get all the sunlight you can then, but rest up for the summer when you have lots of daylight!

Carry your sidearm when you're in the woods, but if you're smart about things, you won't have to mess with bears much.

I hope you post some AK wheelin pictures someday!

yes, and I'll second what Pappitt said - Thank you!



Sr. Member
Oct 24, 2004
registering your bronco

If you aren't going to be driving it in the winter go for a seasonal registration. You don't have to get the emission test then. You might be able to get a rebuild kit for the motorcraft carb at Shucks or NAPA or possibly at Cal Worthington Ford. If the throttle is sticking I would first look for any binding.
You can also get a chevy heater fan, then round out the existing fan hole a little to mount it. It will put out way more heat then the stock one.
Get on the Alaska 4x4 forum web page for the local trips, classified, etc.


Sr. Member
Mar 26, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Sweet! Thanks brother. Do you happen to know where I can score a decent stock 2 barrel carb? I think my old one is a Motorcraft 2100. The throttle is sticking like crazy. My rig doesn't have doors, so I doubt I will get much driving in anytime soon, but I would like to get it emissioned tested so I can register it.

Got a stock carb that you could borrow for the emission testing. It's on my Half Cab that is parked for the winter, would need it back as it is the only carb I have for the Bronco. It sould pass emisions and works just fine.
Chief Master Sergeant

Chief Master Sergeant

Retired U.S. Air Force
Nov 6, 2002
Got a stock carb that you could borrow for the emission testing. It's on my Half Cab that is parked for the winter, would need it back as it is the only carb I have for the Bronco. It sould pass emisions and works just fine.

I appreciate the offer and will keep that in mind if it comes to that. I got her fired up and washed all the mud and junk off it from the trip today. Had about 10 people stop and chat when they saw her. Man I love these Broncos. After I let her run for awhile, she seemed to settle down a little, but I think she's just running way too rich. I know the throttle is sticking, but that shouldn't keep it from passing emissions. Do you have much experience adjusting these things or know someone who does? We rebuilt the thing right before I left Montana and thought that might fix the sticky throttle. No such luck.


Full Member
Jul 28, 2005
Welcome to Alaska! Nice looking bronco too. I am a ways out from Anchorage, but if you ever get up a little farther north, drop me a line.

AK68, did you get your new tranny all hooked up?


Sr. Member
Dec 15, 2001
Juneau Alaska

Hi and welcome to Alaska, you must have brought the 5" of snow I got yesterday. Sounds like you have will have some Bronco brothers to show you around. Well good luck wish I could join you guys but I am a little south for that.

Well good luck Craig

p.s hey If you decide you need doors I have a nive set of 67 doors complete.


New Member
Nov 2, 2007
Good Luck up in AK and have fun. I moved from Anchorage about 1 year ago. It was good times being up there.