WOW, what a great time we had this year. The three days were awsome and as always the MEB crew did a great job. I put a total of 1756 miles of my bronco between the drive down on Monday and some site seeing on Tueday and Wednesday and then driving home. No major issues this year other than a few more dents in the rocker pannels ;D I got to wheel with some great people and great friends and the trail leaders were supper this year. My duaghter had a blast too and got to drive a little she is all smiles!
Thanks again to the MEB grew for putting this event on each year and thank to all that attend and make it such a great time.
Edit : Thrusday was a fun day. 6 out of the 11 vehicles in our group broke at some point. All were able to get back to camp under their own power to make repairs. Friday was interesting too, out trail leader broke a front main leaf on his Heep and we self guided a bit and then got a replacement leader that got I kind of lost! LOL, still had fun tho. Saturday was a blast. Watching Gordon, Jim, & Suzy playing on the big roacks and getting a chanve to try some much harder stuff our selves.