I want to second what Judy (Pearlcoat) said earlier, THANKS to everyone she mentioned. Couldn't do it without all the great participants, great vendors and great staff. This year went very smooth and the 3-day format again proved to be a hit - it is hard to imagine it ever being "only 2 days" again! It would seem way too short!
It was blistering hot on Thursday but cooled off a bit on Friday with the storm that quickly passed through. Saturday was very nice all day and was perfect for the street cruise. I wheeled the first two days and then took my 78 on the street cruise.
Thanks everyone for the touching and unexpected send-off on Saturday night. Here's a pic of the plaque for those who didn't see it. Maybe somebody else will post a pic of the cake.
There did seem to be a number of "regulars" who, for one reason or another, could not make it this year - bmc and filly, Ben, Brett, Jeff C, Randy H, Ryan and Roy, and Lou, just to name a few. We did miss you guys, but worse than that, YOU all missed a good Round Up!! ;D
Gary Gibson
MEB Round Up Committee Chairman
Here's few of my pics.