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PLEASE HELP! shaking bronco when taking off


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
jbrown98604 said:
Thanks guy's for the ideas! I noticed while looking in the wild horses catalog that the transfer case mounts have a metal spacer in them the mounts I bought from woody's 4X4 did not could this be a problem? I think I will order new transfer case mounts and the extreme motor mounts from wild horses and install them if this dont take care of the problem I would really appreciate it saddleup if you could look at it. i live Battle Ground WA so Iam only a half hour from your house. I think I still have your number from when I bought the tranny and transfer case from you! Thanks again!
I would be happy to take a look at it. If you don't have the number let me know.

TannerJ- '76

New Member
Sep 21, 2006
Im not loaded and I live in Hermosa Beach. I would be willing to trade some shop work or any other help I can provide for someone who can look at my rig for teh exact same problem. It shakes in 2WD only when I take off. Let me know if anyone would be willing to do this.. or maybe just diagnose the problem so i dont get screwed by a crappy company. I am going to go to Bronco Alley in Gardena sometime this weekend to have someone look at it... but they will likely charge..



Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
OK have a question...
The comment about it NOT chattering when taking off in 4WD with the front driveline removed, are you trying this in 4LO or 4HI? This will make a HUGE difference in what is going on. I'll hold further comment until I get the detail I need.


Jr. Member
Nov 23, 2006
Sandusky, Ohio
Hey All,
I just recently bought a 71 with 33's and a 3 1/2 lift... Mine does the same thing. Must be a common problem I see... I noticed that mine shakes worse when there are other people in the vehicle as well as myself. I plan on replacing the rear springs since you can see between the leafs, but now after reading this I have a feeling it may be clutch related.

BTW great site! LOTS OF INFO!!


Sr. Member
Oct 16, 2006
Oregon City, OR
I know that mine can have horrible axle wrap upon takeoff if I m not carefull have sombody else watch from outside the bronco while you takeoff and they should be able to see if it is axle wrap or not


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006


Axle wrap is the most likely problem given the descriptions It is lesened in $WD since the font axle takes part of the load. You can have a lot of driveline solp and not have clucth chatter, but drive line slop will exaggerate axle wrap. That is why you will se so many bronco with some sort of rear axle control. I some cases this is an over reaction. Lockers will also cause it to be amplified due to the slop necessary to make them operate.

Also look at you firewall where the clutch pedal is mounted. If it flexes at all when the clutch is used it will make you think you have clutch chatter. It will alos exagerate axle wrap. I had jeep cj5 that matched your complaints exactly. New set of less copmliate rear springs fixed it right up.


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2005
Chestnut Hill, Mass
Here is a cheep little trick you can try, if you think axle wrap is causing your shaking.

Make a set of metal plates, and bolt it to the front of your leaf pack. This is a old drag racing trick that helps reduce axle wrap. I did it on my truck and it elliminates, or at least greatlly reduced my shaking when taking off from a stop.


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