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Ripped offed on Ebay...


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
I bought a 67 Bronco on Ebay. Needs a new engine and who knows what else.
Got my money back because I used my credit card. Can't seem to locate owner to return Bronco.

What should I do with it if the owner does not want it back? It's been sitting in my yard for almost a year now. Don't want to spend money on it or transfer title until I locate owner but how long should I wait?

It has a decent body and so far I have paid 500 for shipping and diagnostics.

What should I do with it?


Jr. Member
Feb 5, 2007
Here is a link to how to gain title of an abandoned auto in CA. http://www.dmv.ca.gov/vr/liensale.htm
Go to the DMV website for your state and research lien title or abandoned car titles. File the appropriate paperwork and if there are no claims on the vehicle, you will have a great 67 body for pocket change.

Good luck.


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
I have the title although it is not in the sellers name. I have tried contacting him by phone (disconnected), by email (no reply), by telepathy (no connection.):cool:

I am itching to put a new engine into it by summer, but I don't want to spend the time and money and have the owner show up afterwards, that would suck. Should I contact the police or someone? %)


Jr. Member
Feb 5, 2007
No need for the PoPo. The safest (most legal) thing would be to do the abandoned title method giving everyone a chance at making their claim. The most expedient method would be to hop your happy butt down to the DMV and transfer the title.

Was the vehicle purchased local or long distance?


New Member
Apr 21, 2007
If I understand correctly you purchased an eb on ebay and after taking delivery realized something was wrong and obtained a refund because you used your credit card. You have tried for a year to locate the individual you purchased the vehicle from but have been unable. I would first try to obtain an abandoned title for the bronco. Once you have title then you can proceed forward with building it. If it was stolen or if the owner does not choose to ignore DMV then the previous owner will get it back. If sometime down the road someone shows up and says it is theirs too bad because you did everything in your power to locate them. You might if you felt generous give them a fair price of it's current value minus what you had to go through to obtain title but that is only if you are feeling generous. Just get the title in your name before you spend any money or time and you're safe.


Bronco Guru
May 18, 2004
Did the add say it was a good engine? Tell us more about the description of the Bronco.

You have the title in had= it's yours.

Depending on how much you paid, If I was the seller, I'd like a chance @ getting my Bronco back once I see the money disapear from my account.

Sounds like you both got a bum deal!

Ohio Bronco 21

Bronco Guru
Dec 5, 2006
Match the VIN from the data plate and the frame before you do anything. Make sure its not stolen with a different data (VIN) plate put on the glove box.


Jr. Member
Feb 5, 2007
Oh yes, while you are trying to get the abandoned vehicle title, file your own lien on the vehicle for transportation, fees and storage on your property. The annual storage fee and fees will gobble up any intrinsic value and if the PO attempts to claim, then they are responsible to pay your lien. You may as well get something out of the deal.


Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2004
I don't see any bum deal. If Visa gave you your money back, then the seller still got paid and you got a free bronco. And if you have gone through a year trying to contact the guy document it and file for the lein and get the title changed over. Enjoy your bronco. Both ebay and major credit card companys have fraud protection which is basically insurance that you are protected from fraudulant sales, they give you your money back if the deal was bad...


Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2003
I'm just curious as to why the bronco was classified as being a fraud? Everyone knows when you buy a used vehicle its typically sold as is. So what makes this one any different?


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
If you have the title just go get it changed over into your name. Have a notory friend stamp it for you and your good to go


Bronco Guru
May 5, 2003
Grand Junction, CO
You have the title in had= it's yours.

Not always true. He says "I have the title although it is not in the sellers name." That leads me to conclude that he has a title for it but it's in a third parties' name, not his or the seller's. That means it could, in the worst case, be stolen. If that's true, the real owner will get it back if he ever shows up or finds it. I'd first check with the police to see if it's been reported as stolen. If not, then go the abandoned vehicle route.

Ohio Bronco 21

Bronco Guru
Dec 5, 2006
You could take the Vin down, checking to see if it matches the frame and then ask the police to check it for stolen. It probably wont be, then file for the mechanics lein or abandonded vheicle title. You could just title it from what you have but if ever the Previous owner comes looking and says its stolen, you will loose it to him along with ANY new mods you have done. Protect yourself before you sink money into it. All should work out and you get a Bronco Cheap.


Bronco Guru
May 18, 2004
I'm just curious as to why the bronco was classified as being a fraud? Everyone knows when you buy a used vehicle its typically sold as is. So what makes this one any different?

I agree!

I think we need the whole story. If this was a no reserve as-is EBay Bronco that 3 people got really excited about and bid through the roof on....and it's not what you wanted.... you got what you paid for! It was an Auction. If the seller described it as a perfect running Bronc-...... well then I'd be upset to.

I just passed up selling a Bronco to a nice guy on this Board from Virginia. I just can't take a chance that someone likes it in pictures, and not in their driveway. Then I'm stuck with a Bronco in another state, and my name smeared all over this site. If your going to buy anything worth while... you better check it out in person. I've been burned several times on sight un-seen parts. Only to have them delivered and me shaking my head.

So the credit card company ate up the cost(How Much?)?
Or was your credit card through PayPal?

Post some pics of it! It's probably worth more that you paid for it the way prices on these things are goin'


Bronco Guru
Aug 3, 2006
The problems not whether or not he wants it back the problem is protecting your time and money if he comes back to get it after you have invested time and money.

Do not transfer the title. If requires anything the least bit fraudulent on your part to transfer the title it might come back to haunt you. Act as if you do not have it.

Title or not you do not own this Bronco. He can prove you stopped payment. He has the paper trail and he will win it back if he choses to. He can claim just as you have that he couldn't get in touch with you and you did not return his calls. In the eyes of the law you haven't been harmed you got your money back. It is still his Bronco.

He could show 3 years from now and say he was in IRAQ and his x-girlfriend got mad because he was shacked up with some Arab beauty and sold it on e-bay without his permission. You would be required to give it back to him and rightfully so. He would be liable for your lien however and you wouldn't have to give it back until it was satisfied.

The seller actually broke the law in some states because the title was not in his name.

If your state allows you to file a mechanic's lien for storage and transport do it immediately. The value of transport must be actual and the storage must be reasonable. When that totals enough that he would be stupid to come and get it then you are good to go. Title or not. Some states allow you to sell the vehicle to satisfy the lien. That may be your best option. If you sell it to satisfy the lien then it is not longer your problem and the law protects the guy you sell it to. Just make sure it is not someone you know, as the PO may claim some sort of collusion.

Any hint of impropriety on your part could cause you to loose the Bronco if he decided he wanted it back.

I would not plan on using this Bronco myself unless I came to an agreement, and had it in writing, with the guy you stopped payment on, or had legally exhausted the lien process and had legal title.

On the other hand if you just transferred the title nothing will probably ever happen. If you have really tried and he hasn't responded he probably never will. It would just be a lot safe for you if you were building a different Bronco that way if he does show up e would have to sue you in court for the value of the one he never picked up.


Jr. Member
Jan 4, 2007
Have you tried to contact who's name is on the title? Might be able to find out if its stolen......


Jr. Member
Mar 22, 2003
Why does it seem as if no one wants to question the aspect of why the payment was refunded????? Its not as if this bronco was purchased off some car lot. This guys actions are not any better than someone who puts a stop payment on a check. People blow my mind away nowadays. Instead of people doing their homework and using common sense, they rely on some kind of 3rd party to fix their problems and want to be sanctified for their stupidity. This guy has given us no description as to the real details of this situation, as far as I'm concerned all the information everyone is telling this guy is falling into the half-ass comments category, due to the fact that no one has a clue as to whats going on. I'm sure the same amount of time and energy put into the initial post is a good indication as to how much thought was put into this guys ebay purchase.


Bronco Guru
May 18, 2004
Why does it seem as if no one wants to question the aspect of why the payment was refunded????? Its not as if this bronco was purchased off some car lot. This guys actions are not any better than someone who puts a stop payment on a check. People blow my mind away nowadays. Instead of people doing their homework and using common sense, they rely on some kind of 3rd party to fix their problems and want to be sanctified for their stupidity. This guy has given us no description as to the real details of this situation, as far as I'm concerned all the information everyone is telling this guy is falling into the half-ass comments category, due to the fact that no one has a clue as to whats going on. I'm sure the same amount of time and energy put into the initial post is a good indication as to how much thought was put into this guys ebay purchase.


The Guy is probably out on the street cuz you canceled his rent payment and kept his Bronco! That's why you can't get ahold of him.

Post more info NWcartoons!


Bronco Guru
Aug 25, 2006
Titles are pretty meaningless until you have one issued by the state with your name and the correct vin info on it. Lots of cars are sold with altered, forged, or counterfit titles. You don't know until the state rejects it or the police show up. I saw a title and glove box door sitting on a desk at a salvage yard one day. I was afraid to ask questions. There is a reason that DMV spends the time to crawl under rusty vehicles and scrape to find vin numbers. Make sure they all match.
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