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TERRIBLE service at BC Broncos


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
66crawler said:
Actually I ordered on 3-06-05.
It seems that most of this is caused by poor communication from both sides, mostly mine. I am working on it now which seems to be adding to the problem. I was getting about 300-400 emails per day including the ones from the on-line store for orders. But most were junk offering me things that I do not need. So I would go through them too quick and I must have deleted some that I should have looked at. So I added a mail washer program and the e-mails went up to around 900 per day so I may have missed your post. I have not been able to look at any in the last 2 days.
I thought I was doing a good thing setting up the on-line store but have had more trouble with it than any good. But it may not be the inline store because about the same time we put out our first catalog and our business boubled overnight. We were unprepaired for the big increase with parts on hand and people to handle ordering replacement parts, talking to customers, paying our bills and a million other things. Plus the people that make parts for us are complaining that we are overwhelming them. At this time I have stopped all new product development that was not already done.
In the last 2 weeks we have hired 2 new people to help Jason in the shop to pack and ship orders.
Now we come to Debbie, Roxanne helps her about 20 hrs. per week other than that she does all of the paper work. Ordering, bank balance, checks, calls to customers and venders,taking orders, UPS, paying our bills and about a million other things. She starts at 9 am and works to 7pm then wakes up in the night and gets up to do stuff that she wakes up thinking about. To say the least she is over worked so it makes it that much harder to deal with a customer that wants something for free. You are right the $10 is no big deal on the surfice but it is just one more thing that she has to deal with and knowing that we are losing money already on that part makes it that much harder for her to deal with. We hope she will have help starting Monday. The plan is to have her not answer any calls so she can get the other stuff done.
Sorry to say that at the above pace things get dropped every day that should be taken care of every day. We do not by intent EVER lie, cheat anyone out of anything, not reply to calls or e-mails, not ship complete orders right a way or misrepresent any product or service.


Bronco Guru
Oct 14, 2004
chuck said:
66crawler said:
Actually I ordered on 3-06-05.
It seems that most of this is caused by poor communication from both sides, mostly mine. I am working on it now which seems to be adding to the problem. I was getting about 300-400 emails per day including the ones from the on-line store for orders. But most were junk offering me things that I do not need. So I would go through them too quick and I must have deleted some that I should have looked at. So I added a mail washer program and the e-mails went up to around 900 per day so I may have missed your post. I have not been able to look at any in the last 2 days.
I thought I was doing a good thing setting up the on-line store but have had more trouble with it than any good. But it may not be the inline store because about the same time we put out our first catalog and our business boubled overnight. We were unprepaired for the big increase with parts on hand and people to handle ordering replacement parts, talking to customers, paying our bills and a million other things. Plus the people that make parts for us are complaining that we are overwhelming them. At this time I have stopped all new product development that was not already done.
In the last 2 weeks we have hired 2 new people to help Jason in the shop to pack and ship orders.
Now we come to Debbie, Roxanne helps her about 20 hrs. per week other than that she does all of the paper work. Ordering, bank balance, checks, calls to customers and venders,taking orders, UPS, paying our bills and about a million other things. She starts at 9 am and works to 7pm then wakes up in the night and gets up to do stuff that she wakes up thinking about. To say the least she is over worked so it makes it that much harder to deal with a customer that wants something for free. You are right the $10 is no big deal on the surfice but it is just one more thing that she has to deal with and knowing that we are losing money already on that part makes it that much harder for her to deal with. We hope she will have help starting Monday. The plan is to have her not answer any calls so she can get the other stuff done.
Sorry to say that at the above pace things get dropped every day that should be taken care of every day. We do not by intent EVER lie, cheat anyone out of anything, not reply to calls or e-mails, not ship complete orders right a way or misrepresent any product or service.

Well Said.


Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta
Well after reading this entire thread I have one thing to say.
I still say Chuck is the best. Hes not perfect but hes still the best.
Businesses that grow by 300 percent overnight need help, people, not abuse.
Go walk a mile in Debbies shoes before whining. Cut him some slack, he will fix the problems.
Chuck you are number one!! with this canuck


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2004
Southwest Va
Jeepster said:
A person can bend over backwards for you for years doing the right thing......but then there is a saying that seems to hold true to somepeoples perseption and that is that "your only as good as the last thing you did"

;) ;D
Sad but True.


Sorry about the name calling. I called a fella a jerk out of retalitory anger and am regretting it now. I did delete the post as it is not normally how I react to confrontation.

In retrospect, I should have PM'd him if I was that passionate about making my comments heard rather than angrily spew forth in the 10 second spotlight. Now that I've had time to reflect on the situation, I should have just shut the heck up and went to the next thread. All our comments will not mend things between a vendor and the customer. That is up to those two parties, and only those two parties.

Our role in the conflict is nothing more than limelight cheerleader. I think I'll go burn my pom poms now. How's that for a visual? :eek:

Again, sorry. I got a little too caught up in the moment.

James Miley


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
COBlu77 said:
I'll you the give the benefit of the doubt that you have me confused with some other unhappy customer over the EFI brackets. I sent you a PM with my name, so this can stop, but I'm sure you have shipping records. Post the tracking number for what you say you shipped me.

You were right and I was wrong. We do not have a record of shipping you the powdercoated bracket. I saw it on the table with your name on it but it did not get sent out. I aplogize for accusing you of keeping the uncoated one. We are out of stock right now but as soon as they come in we will send you one. Also keep the uncoated one. Again sorry for the accusation


Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2001
There is a lot of support for B.C. Broncos on this site as you can see. I think it's because Chuck takes time from his busy schedule to answer our questions both by phone and on this site. Which makes Chuck one of us, not just somebody making money off of us. This is just my opinion, and it's like A-holes everybody has one.


Sr. Member
Feb 10, 2004
Arvada, CO
Chuck, thank you for the apology. With all you have going, you don't need to send me another bracket. It was never about that, it was about my integrity and yours. I really wasn't trying to pick on you with my post, or get anything out of you, but I'm sure it came off that way and I'm sorry.

I too own a small business. I take great pride in taking good care of my customers. My reputation and integrity are critical. No different than you. I appreciate your apology and you've won back my respect, for whatever it's worth to you.

Please don't give up on internet sales, hang in there I'm sure you'll make it the best with your attitude.


Full Member
Jul 26, 2002
I've heard a saying, "There are three sides to a story: his side, the other person's side, and the truth (what actually happened)." I'm in no way saying anyone was lying. In this case, I think it was a lack of communication from maybe both sides that caused the situation. I think BC (Chuck and Debbie) work their hardest to do the best job possible with a high level of integrity, but everyone gets spread kind of thin once in a while. That's when the mistakes, confusion and frustration set in. These are the times when even the best of friends get into brawls, and in most instances, they'll be making up within a few minutes. Anyway, I've been lurking this site for quite a while, but I've never really contributed until recently. There's a lot of great people and info here, and in general, everyone gets along really well. We're all EB nuts!


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2001
All I have to say is BC is the only vendor that when they had to ship items to me seperately that should have been shipped together they did not charge me for the other shipping bill just the original quoted $$. Do you hear that JBG?????? %)


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI


Everybody has to chime in!!! IF YOU WANT A ORDER TO SHIP TOGETHER YOU NEED TO ASK FOR IT! Every parts house dose it!!!

Dose it piss you off?? HELL YES it dose! Do you think you can make the part yourself cheaper or better??? If yes then do it and then not have to deal with any vendor to upset you so...

But sence Jeff himself is too busy running the board they set up for their customers he dose not reply to this one... dose that make JBG suck and chuck awsome??? Not in my book.

I think they are ALL great, why bash ANY of them, they'll all piss you off if you spend enough money there...

But I digress...


bronco italiano

Bronco Guru
Feb 1, 2004
Let's remember that to err is human and to really screw things up takes a computer. I have had arguements with Chuck, Duff's and Wild Horses. They all have more strong points than bad. Let's remember that! Evary budding aand already large company will have issues/problems. Being so emotional/passionate about the early bronco we sometimes do not realize how we can be to others when an issue arises. I am sure Chuck has looked into the matter and is doing his best just as the other bronco specialty companies do. They know that without us.......They have no business. BI


Bronco Guru
May 15, 2003

Can you please lock this thread, it's getting ridiculous! %)


Bronco Guru
Jun 21, 2001
Everyone sing along. :-*

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity
Any girl who isn’t me today.

I feel charming,
Oh, so charming--
It’s alarming how charming I feel,
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I’m real.

See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!

I feel stunning
And entrancing--
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I’m loved
By a pretty wonderful boy!


PhD, Dr. of Broncology
May 26, 2001
Honeymoon Bay
...and if that wasn't enough:

It's quarter to three, there's no one in the place
Except you and me
So set 'em' up Joe, I got a little story
I think you should know

We're drinking my friend, to the end
Of a brief episode
Make it one for my baby
And one more for the road

I know the routine, put another nickel
In the machine
I feel kind of bad, can't you make the music
Easy and sad

I could tell you a lot, but it's not
In a gentleman's code
Make it one for my baby
And one more for the road

You'd never know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet
And I've got a lot of things I'd like to say
And if I'm gloomy, please listen to me
Till it's talked away

Well that's how it goes, and Joe I know your gettin'
Anxious to close
Thanks for the cheer
I hope you didn't mind
My bending your ear

But this torch that I found, It's gotta be drowned
Or it's gonna explode
Make it one for my baby
And one more for the road



Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
Hi, My names Joe and now I'm sure I'm a full blown Broncoholic for reading this entire thread. :p


Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
joe said:
Hi, My names Joe and now I'm sure I'm a full blown Broncoholic for reading this entire thread. :p

P.S. Chuck, you da man

Jon, you rule cause CB.com rules

Now I must take my medication and go to bed. %)