Nice area you got there sir...
We bought it for the trees
I wanted some space and privacy and lots of trees
I didn’t really care what kind of house or what condition.
It was past being a fixer upper, it was a tear downer , but we couldn’t afford to tear it down and rebuild.
It had a lot of rotten structural beams underneath and half the house was sinking, it had a crack in the wall you could see daylight through.
Hard to believe it’s 15 miles from downtown Atlanta
Most of the houses were built in the late 50s early 60s
Back when they didn’t bulldoze every tree and the lots were large.
The roundhouse is one of the newest houses in the neighborhood , built in 71
.40 acre, with 39 hardwood trees on the lot
Developers are buying a old brick ranch on a half acre lot for $275k and bulldozing it and building 3 houses and selling each house for $800k
The guy that owns the other EB has some of those new houses real close to him, and every time he kills a deer he hangs it in a tree in his front years to field dress it, just to tick off the new millionaire neighbors. He and his son got 17 deer last year. He’s got a fantastic spot to bow hunt in a neighborhood on the river where all the lots are 3-5 acres and the owners want the deer gone because they are eating up all the fancy landscaping plants.
Goofy looking house on the outside
It’s neat on the inside
Turns out a round house is actually nice space
Living room is half the bottom floor
And any kitchen is all about the triangle between the sink , stove and refrigerator. If the kitchen is an actual triangle, like mine , then it’s perfect.