So is this tube just rubber heater hose with elbows into the manifold or something more tricksy than that?
You could put the ect in the bypass hose. It doesn't need to be grounded but might be a tight fit.Quote:
Originally Posted by 4x4man514 View Post
Ok guys. So now I have some different valve covers on the way , and some heater tubes. I got my explorer lines in and now realize this crossover coolant line is in the way . How important is this? One issue after the next! Lol.
Viperwolf posted:
It's a good thing to keep if you're using the ECT sensor in the heater tube. It circulates coolant through the tubes even when the heater valve is turned off. That lets the sensor get a more accurate estimate of the temp.
My question:
So when mounting the ECT, couldn't you plumb it into the short 90deg bypass hose btw the t-stat and wtr pump? This would allow constant water flow to it without having the Exploder metal heater tubes OR a large "t" fitting in the manifold by the #1 cylinder.
Not a lot of space but a short copper "T" with solder in pipe thread ends for the hoses should be close to fitting...
This make sense or is it over-thought again?
It depends which roller rockers you plan to run. I am using the same cast aluminum, finned valve covers and they fit over my Harland Sharp shaft mounted roller rockers. you have rockers and valve covers already? Have you test fit them? As for the vacuum ports, hoses, etc...the only ones you must have are for PCV and the fuel regulator. I saw in another thread, you are trying to decide which fuel rails to go with. I can tell you order for the upper manifold to clear the fuel pressure regulator, the throttle body and fuel pressure regulator MUST be on the same side, unless you're willing to run an intake manifold spacer between upper and lower.
As far as I know, ALL 351 5.8L factory fuel rails have drivers side mounted fuel pressure least everyone I've ever seen does. You can run with throttle body facing drivers side, but it is not the conventional way to do it. I did it that way, but it's a tight fit. The only fuel rail I've seen with passenger side regulator are 5.0's so you have to lengthen the cross over hoses on the fuel rail to use on a 5.8. Your best bet is to collect all the parts you will need and then start test fitting everything together that you'd like to use. The problems will become apparent and that is how you start working thru them. Ask me how I know......![]()
x2 what Mattt said... I trial fit 3 different fuel rails with my setup before I ended up going with rail that doesn't have a cross over in the front and I ran my TB on the drivers side so I could avoid using a long throttle cable crossing over in front of my engine. I had to modify the TB throttle arm to clear the fuel rail but it works w/o spacers. Currently wiring it...
Only exception to the factory 351W fuel rails all being drive side mounted fuel pressure regulated I know of is the 1995 Mustang Cobra R model. Not likely to come across one of those!