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Arkansas boys(and friends)July 7th


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
:eek: Boy them Bronco Tales just keep getting taller & taller.....
guess I better start getting my stories together for this year...;)


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Boy them Bronco Tales just keep getting taller & taller
It's true, we woke up Sunday morning and found the drivers side front trim piece laying along side the truck in the dirt. I put it back on wondering what had happened and even asked John if he had played a practical joke on me or something. It was a little later that John was first to notice raccoon tracks all over the hood, roof and side where the trim had been mounted to the body. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed scratch marks in the paint where the beast had been clawing through the accumulated dust all along where he had removed the trim piece :eek:


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
must have been related to the MLP hoodlums....;)
After having a possum & babies take up residence under
our house many years ago....I believe critters can & do perform
many of the oddities we find


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
It's true, we woke up Sunday morning and found the drivers side front trim piece laying along side the truck in the dirt. I put it back on wondering what had happened and even asked John if he had played a practical joke on me or something. It was a little later that John was first to notice raccoon tracks all over the hood, roof and side where the trim had been mounted to the body. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed scratch marks in the paint where the beast had been clawing through the accumulated dust all along where he had removed the trim piece :eek:

Wow, thats weird. Did this take place at the motel parking lot?


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Happened at park campsite number 13 on 07/07/07 :eek:

Wish I had thought to take pictures, but those look like the same tracks we found and now I am wondering if it may have been the very same vicious creature encountered by you Darrell %)

And another thing, after we got home I noticed the hubs were still locked. At first I didn't think much of it but now I'm wondering if that rascal snuck up on us and re locked those hubs just before we left.


Bronco Guru
May 12, 2002
SW, Arkansas
Happened at park campsite number 13 on 07/07/07 :eek:

Wish I had thought to take pictures, but those look like the same tracks we found and now I am wondering if it may have been the very same vicious creature encountered by you Darrell %)

And another thing, after we got home I noticed the hubs were still locked. At first I didn't think much of it but now I'm wondering if that rascal snuck up on us and re locked those hubs just before we left.

Well I never said I had to work at night....just in the day. ;D Have you looked in your glove box yet? ;D ;D ;D


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
Happened at park campsite number 13 on 07/07/07 :eek:

Wish I had thought to take pictures, but those look like the same tracks we found and now I am wondering if it may have been the very same vicious creature encountered by you Darrell %)

And another thing, after we got home I noticed the hubs were still locked. At first I didn't think much of it but now I'm wondering if that rascal snuck up on us and re locked those hubs just before we left.

Was there much gas left in it? They may have taken it out for a night ride on the trails?

Crewdg - Those pictures even show how resourceful those critter are by unlocking your padlock also!


Sr. Member
Mar 7, 2006
Little Rock, AR
well guys.. we made it back unscathed. BARELY. some guy decided he wanted to give us a wedding gift at 60+ mph on the freeway in jackson, ms today on the way home. decided he didn't want the exit he was on, so swung across two lanes of traffic into us. scared the crap out of us. the car limped home. the entire right side is done for. steering is jacked up, wheel looks to be leaning in and the door won't open. kenna was driving and did a great job keeping us right-side up--for a second there i didn't think it was going to work out too good for us. oh yeah.. and this car is 2 years old and almost paid for :(


on a good note.. i saw a nice EB in jackson---or just south of there... orange uncut with the white bronco explorer spare tire cover that angie makes. i know if seen it on here.. just trying to remember who's it was. great looking truck if you read this.


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Dang Jeff, you guys were lucky it wasn't worse and I'm glad you made it home.

That on road driving is dangerous and I know I don't have to say it, but just can't resist, you and the wife would be safer wheeling with your Arkansas brothers ;)


Sr. Member
Nov 10, 2005
Benton, Arkansas
Wow. You two are very lucky you didn't start spinning. Amazing what some people will do on the road! It drives me crazy to see people backing up the shoulder of an exit ramp because they took the wrong one. What was he driving and how'd he turn out?


Sr. Member
Mar 7, 2006
Little Rock, AR
thanks guys... yeah.. we are very fortunate. he was in an envoy.. never went back to see what he did to his. he just kept apologizing over and over.. so i made sure to throw in that we were coming home from just getting married ;D

it was that or let him know he almost had a double manslaughter charge to deal with. :eek:

kicker is that he kept apologizing in front of the trooper.. followed by "i just never saw them." the trooper never took a written statement from us.. but i saw the other guy signing some stuff--he did ask our side of it of course.. but really didn't seem too concerned with what we had to say. maybe that spot is known for that kind of wreck. hope the fact that he didn't get a signed/written statement from us doesn't bite me in the end... i'm assuming (and i know i shouldn't) that it was an obvious fault of his.. it felt that way in all conversations had by the 4 of us.


Bronco Guru
Jun 26, 2007
Marshall, AR
Looks like that guy hit ya'll pretty hard! Glad you guys are ok.

Sounds like your wife did a really good job recovering too.

My wife and I use to see some crazy stuff when we drove from Clarksville to Conway everyday. We saw this one guy weaving all over the road one day and when we got up next to him he was asleep. Everytime he would hit one of those "fart strips" on the side of the interstate it would wake him up and he would jerk it over.

Another time we were following behind this lady and just out of the blue she starts easing toward the side of the road and then jerks it over as hard as she can, she ended up doing a complete 360 and almost lost it, but she made it. I still don't know what that was all about.


Sr. Member
Mar 7, 2006
Little Rock, AR
"Looks like that guy hit ya'll pretty hard"

yep.. he had to have had a good twenty mph sideways motion i think. scary stuff out there.. you guys be careful. that makes the EB the ONLY driver now! the BII's TFI module went out, don't know when (or if) i'll be able to replace that... never removed a distributor before so we'll see. I know it's cramped in those trucks. hopefully we'll get a loaner car out of this.. i can't run all over LR in the EB for weeks... and the brakes aren't good enough for K to drive it. ?:?
so we'll have to have a working vehicle for her pretty quick.


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
GEEZ!!!!! Glad you two are ok! I know when we can back from
Flat Nasty there were a couple of real idiots in cars & 3 on
crotchrockets around Springfield that were EXTREMELY LUCKY!
:eek: Hope all goes well with you both & the car....and by the way


Bronco Guru
Sep 24, 2002
Well Jeff what did you expect? You just got married. Did you think things were going to go smoothly from now on? %)

Seriously, glad you guys are alright. I'm scared every time I have to take the interstate. Just knew I was going to see someone die last trip to Hot Springs. Seemed there was an idiot every couple of miles.

Don't know about MS, but in AR his Ins. would have to provide you with a loaner.