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does anyone sell an EFI kit???


Bronco Totalitarian
Jul 30, 2001
Reno, NV
Beep boop boop

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes maam, we have a man down here. He is known as 76Broncofromhell. Please send the paramedics. He will most likely need skin grafts for this burn."

Says the guy who can't spend the time to look on Ebay or Craigslist. I've never had a capacitor issue with any of my ECUs.

And yes I'm on Pirate a lot, that's because the board doesn't have much time for lazy whiners.


Sr. Member
Sep 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona
Lazy lazy whiners.
Wow. 18 years with the same wife and same job. 2 kids. I must be really lazy.

You got burned. Just suck it up.

Ok, ongoing.....
I am getting an explorer. Is there anything I need to do for the ecu regarding a swap from an auto trans to a manual trans setup?

It looks like everything else is simplified for an entire swap.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2004
EFI guy can help you with the computer...he does the programming for most all Bronco members on here.


Sr. Member
Sep 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona
WheelHorse, thanks.
EFIGuy, I will PM you when I get the explorer home to pull the ecu and ship it to you.

This is gonna be a huge upgrade for this Bronco. I almost can't wait.

FI and serp. I will be in high cotton.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2009
Frankly I think you're trying to talk yourself into something. Are you not very mechanically savvy? Is that what this is all about? MSD, Howell and other aftermarket 302 EFI systems will not outperform stock sequential port, mass air EFI dollar for dollar. They only become viable when you start to exceed 300 HP on the stock setup.

Swap the whole engine in. I don't get why this is so hard for you to understand. A 5.0 has likely has better stuff than your carbed 302. You also have a high likelihood of swapping to a different cam in your 302 due to the difference in firing order. It's far easier to simply swap the engines across.

Car ECUs are solid state - they do not have 'wearable' components. Do you even understand what is inside an ECU? As far as a harness, you don't have to rework one. There are 5 connections to make. That's it. I have 4 Mustang ECUs in my possession - never picked up a used failed one. Red herring.

I've never had a plugged injector with a Mustang engine. I've never had a bad sensor, nor a bad component. The only things you would be wise to buy new are O2 sensors.

It's a batch fire system with no ignition control. Spend $3500 and get a glorified TBI. DUMB.

You're kidding right? No tuning necessary with a 5.0. It was tuned from the factory. Wire it properly (only needs 5 wires to run) and be on your way. I have 3 5.0 MAF EFI vehicles right now, so I think I know what I'm talking about.

Maybe you should stick to new cars.

You can't even take the time to look on Craigslist. That's lazy. I never go to wrecking yards. I work full time in an office, travel for weeks at a time and still manage to be able to source parts in the general area of my house. I stand by the laziness assertion.

Yes, a brand new aftermarket harness that placates your lazy streak and labels the wires for you. No schematics necessary. If you are afraid of the stock harness, this is the obvious choice.

You're trying to convince yourself that the MSD will run better and be cheaper. You're wrong. You will end up trouble shooting that thing far more than a stock EFI system and end up spending 3X the amount as a stock EFI. Stock A9x computers will plug in, and fire right up like nothing every happened.
I agree with 76bronco, scan cl for used 5.0 fox motor complete. You can find them for 4-500 bucks, no aftermarket efi is better than factory ford sefi in my opinion. Way cheaper more reliable. Stock 25 year old 5.0 with 150k plus miles usually run darn near perfect without ever being touched


Sr. Member
Sep 11, 2008
Yuma, Arizona
I bought a 1999 Exploder on Saturday.
I consider it a complete kit. Everything is already on it. I hope.
It runs and drives well. I plan on parting out the rest of it. It is a clean, clean ride. My wife can not believe I am planning on tearing it apart instead of enjoying it as is.