Full Member
My only remaining issue is the crappy throttle cable. I've been messing with the BCB throttle bracket and setup trying to get full range of TB motion without having super-sensitive throttle response. I've tried the progressive throttle modification (viper wolf) and that helped but the travel of that cable is still rough and not smooth. Slow to raise the pedal off the floor and that's with excessive return springs on the BCB bracket. I finally call uncle and ordered a Lokar throttle setup that will pull from the rear. Hopefully I have better luck with that setup moreover the BCB unit.
congrats on being up and running, no leaks etc.. must feel great,
myself I will be using the new lokar cable I had for a carburator. I trial fitted everything, looks like it will work fine. But I am not there yet, still just buttoning up the cooling waiting for a shroud to arrive. so I can do a water test, then fuel then upper.....
couple pics here