xcntrk, what air filter is that?
Not the original motor. I didn't think you could even get a V8 in the 66, I thought they were all I6?
Anyway, motor is supposedly a 302 from a 69'. Also, looks like I'm not the only person who's had this problem with these Felpro gaskets, this is exactly what happened to me:
Nice! that would have definitely raised the red flag. How much pressure do you push into the radiator? I presume I can just drill out a cap, throw an air valve on it and accomplish the same thing right? Or maybe use the radiator drain plug instead, probably easier.I've gotten in the habit of using a cooling system pressure tester before I add coolant anytime I've been deep into a cooling system. Just have a cheap one from harbor freight, but it has saved me from several messy mistakes like this over the past few years.
Nice! that would have definitely raised the red flag. How much pressure do you push into the radiator? I presume I can just drill out a cap, throw an air valve on it and accomplish the same thing right? Or maybe use the radiator drain plug instead, probably easier.
I think you shouldn't put much more than 15 psi or so since that what our caps are usually rated to. You could use compressed air, but I would be VERY careful to monitor the pressure an not overdo it. Even though the cap should release and vent excess pressure, you could probably overwhelm it and cause damage if you had a large enough air source . And of course, if you use a modified cap to do it, you probably no longer have that acting as a relief valve. That's why the testers intended for this are nice - they are hand pumped, so you'd have to work really hard to overpressurize the system. I just pump it up, listen for any gross leaks, and then if there are none, let it sit at pressure for a few minutes and see if the pressure drops. I've found leaks in surprising places, everything from the drain plug that I forgot to tighten 3 weeks earlier when I was done draining the coolant at the start of the job, to loose hose clamps, tiny radiator leaks that were probably there before I started the job, etc. Much easier to fix then than after you filled the system and spilled a bunch of (nowdays) expensive coolant all over the garage floor.
You could bust out a seam in the radiator or heater core.Excellent advice. I imagine 40-50 psi could blow out a few gaskets and cause an issue.
Glad that you figured out the problem as well! Sucks having to pull all that apart again after you have just done it. I have done it a couple times and each time sucked all the same.
Engine compartment looks really nice. Awesome job you should be proud how it came out. Nobody has mentioned this so far but if your running the Explorer front serp, how the heck are you using the Saginaw Pump? Is there a some way to make it work? Did not think that it was an option!
Wild Horses makes a kit to use the Sag with the Explorer serp. It's rather new and thus far "unproven"? In my experience it was far from bolt on. I had to modify it significantly including fabricate new spacers to get proper alignment of the pump. But overall I'm thrilled to run a Saginaw on the Serp setup! No more squealing and great steering power I hope!
But honestly it's the electric fan setup I'm most proud of. Not many have caught on to all that's going on with the e-fan. It's rather elaborate and once I get it running I plan to post up my results. I hope to be that guy that proves electric fans are in fact superior and can work very well on a V8 powered EB.
It's working fantastic once you get the right gasket in place. My whole issue was using the wrong (big water port) gasket. With the small port in place and properly installed, I'm 100% sealed with no leaks and fantastic cooling.So how is the replacement for the leaky intake gasket working out?
That's the f-series truck dual reservoir for both overflow and windshield cleaner.its been said several time's..but nice engine bay! very clean ! what water reservoir is that on the drivers side? out of an explorer as well?
glad you got the water leaks from the intake gasket figured out..on the heater tubes,how tight did you get the "nut" where it goes into the intake? I usually put a small wrap of Teflon tape on the threads..but I have seen these leak before,after too many times being taken out of the intake,etc figure out your belt issue? i'm guessing the explorer pump does not have enough strength,or power for the bronco setup? sorry for the "newbie" question..but curious as I am wanting to do this swap as well..good luck with the leak!
its been said several time's..but nice engine bay! very clean ! what water reservoir is that on the drivers side? out of an explorer as well?