I want to thank everyone who came out this year. We had a great time and even though we had some colder than expected weather everyone survived. It was great to see some of the regulars and meet most of the new guys as well. While our numbers were down from last year we still had a very respectable turnout and so far everyone seems to have had a good time. From what I can tell there was no major carnage and noone got hurt that I know of, so that is good. If anyone had any suggestions or constructive critisism please feel free to speak up. The input we recieve from you guy help us to make the event better.
Special thanks goes to Butch for the use of his camp and facilities and for helping with advice and ideas.
Special thanks to Bax, Darren, Chris Ramey, and Chris Williams for always being willing to help in any way.
Franko did an amazing job again this year on the t-shirt design!!
Special thanks to Butch and Chris for being our trail leaders for the weekend. We'd all be LOST without you guys. Although I think we should all send Chris a fuel filter for Christmas;D
JW and Robert, it was great to get to meet you guys finally. BTW, the pictures of JW's rug DO NOT do it justice. That's one hell of a nice rig!!
Ethansdad, how the hell did I miss you on Saturday? Did I see you and Ethan and it not compute? I had those glass packs for you and brought them back home with me.
thirdtime and Ron, it was great to see you guys again this year. I really enjoyed looking at all of Ron's old school pics and snacking on thirdtime's smokes fish dip. Yum!!
Mango and family, as always my family really enjoyed your company. Colton has talked about Luke non stop since we left. He and Ian are welcome to ride with me any time they want. Both are great kids!!
Adrienne, It was so cool that you decided to come and we enjoyed having you and Tucker this year. The conditions were difficult but you guys were troopers and I hope you enjoyed yourself enough to come back in the future.
And lastly Parker........Parker, Parker, Parker...........where do I start? Next year we will NOT make an attempt to outdue ourselves from the year previous. Whilst Friday night was fun, Saturday morning was a bitch!!! Shots of Cuervo until 4am was not the brightests of ideas%) And we can't even blame it on Janna this year.........