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I Think I Killed the Engine...

Farrell Martin

Full Member
Oct 27, 2013
Marietta, GA
After plugging away on my truck for a few weeks on various projects, most recently was new timing chain and gear set, I got it all buttoned up and got it running. Worked the timing and idle mixture screws to the point where it was running better than it has since I owned it (just a couple of months). I decided to take it for a short ride, maybe 3-4 miles and see how she did. I was near the end of the test drive and was about a mile from home when I started to smell burning oil. In short order, smoke was billowing out the back of the truck. I was only about 1/4 mile from my home and so I just idled it into the driveway when the motor started making a god awful grinding noise. I shut it off immediately and jumped out to look around. I crawled underneath and EVERYTHING under there was dripping with oil. I don't mean a nice coating of oil, I mean it was dripping from everywhere. After crawling around underneath with engine degreaser and some towels, I traced it to the oil filter. I removed the filter and it appears the rubber seal from the old filter I had just replaced was still there. I guess it had stuck to the block when I removed the old filter. So when I screwed on the new filter, it felt like it had seated, but was from from it.

So, on my little test drive it appears that I pumped basically all of the oil out of the motor and starved it.

I got up thus morning and filled it back with oil and fixed the oil filter issue. But, she won't start. She turns over and sounds vary labored and makes a periodic thunk when the starter is held on.

I feel like I have been punched in the gut. I bought the truck and had budgeted some funds to improve it and make it my own. I have worked on it over the last couple months and was finally done with the improvements and ready to start enjoying it when this happens. And of course, the budget is dried up. Out of disgust, I just pushed it into the garage and shut the door.

Total bummer - F


Bronco Guru
May 11, 2013
Dude that flat out blows. I've changed hundreds of oil filters in my day but still check every one for leakage afterwards. The only one I ever had leak was one I changed on my ford tractor. Pissed a nice strong stream out. Shitty parting line mismatch from the gasket maker. Swapped the old one back in and it's still there 300 hours later.
It seems that some lessons in life are hard earned :-(


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2009
Sorry to hear that. I know that kind of stuff stinks. I have had a few bad things happen like that myself.

hucklburry rev2

Sr. Member
Jan 17, 2006
I had that happen once on a 5.0 mustang, but I dumped 1/2 the oil between my dad's garage and the street (he wasn't real happy about that), so it was real obvious, I wasn't out of reverse yet when I shut er down.

The odd noise you described leads me to think you have problems. In hind-sight maybe you should have shut it down sooner.

The lesson, which I was lucky to learn for just a few quarts of oil and Dad being pissed, was always check the old filter for that seal.


Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2010
Farrell, that really stinks. I still have my original 302 sitting in the shed from when I swapped in the explorer engine. It ran ok, did not burn oil or leak just had a little valve tapping and I got a great deal on my new one. It is yours if you want it. I bet we could get it in in one weekend.

That would give you time to evaluate upgrade options or rebuild yours.

Let me know.


half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Farrell, that really stinks. I still have my original 302 sitting in the shed from when I swapped in the explorer engine. It ran ok, did not burn oil or leak just had a little valve tapping and I got a great deal on my new one. It is yours if you want it. I bet we could get it in in one weekend.

That would give you time to evaluate upgrade options or rebuild yours.

Let me know.


My vote for outstanding Bronco brother right there ^^:cool:
Farrell Martin

Farrell Martin

Full Member
Oct 27, 2013
Marietta, GA
Farrell, that really stinks. I still have my original 302 sitting in the shed from when I swapped in the explorer engine. It ran ok, did not burn oil or leak just had a little valve tapping and I got a great deal on my new one. It is yours if you want it. I bet we could get it in in one weekend.

That would give you time to evaluate upgrade options or rebuild yours.

Let me know.


Awesome Chris, thanks. PM on the way.

- F


Bronco Guru
Jul 1, 2011
I love it how Bronco Brothers step up for each other!
Farrell Martin

Farrell Martin

Full Member
Oct 27, 2013
Marietta, GA
Man, sorry to hear that Farrell, I know you've been laboring on it hard the past few weeks. Sounds like Chris has the solution!!!
Good Luck!!;D;D

Thanks Ben. You kept tellng me to just pull and rebuild it......you must have known i was gong to f**k something up.

I may be needing one of those engine stands you have laying around.

- F


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
That would drive me to throw tools around and do more damage. lol. I hate stories like this - I've done a few things like that myself, its so much more frustrating when you can only blame yourself. You have the right attitude though and you will get past this - that offer for a free replacement is probably the coolest thing I have ever seen on this site.


Bronco Guru
Jan 1, 2011
Conway, AR
I traced it to the oil filter. I removed the filter and it appears the rubber seal from the old filter I had just replaced was still there. I guess it had stuck to the block when I removed the old filter. So when I screwed on the new filter, it felt like it had seated, but was from from it.

Man, that sucks....

That happen to a good friend of mine back in the early 90's. It was his first oil change after buying a new truck and yeah, it killed the engine.

After his mishap, I never do an oil change without checking for the old seal being left behind. I've down 100's since the 90's (10 plus per year or more, yeah I have way too many cars/trucks) and have found 3 seals left behind if memory serves me right.

My guess is the bearings spun thus the difficulty in cranking the motor. Things are all jammed up. I'm rebuilding a 351W right now, $400 in machine shop work and $400 in parts. With me doing all the assembly.

Might be a good time to find an explorer in the junk yard and upgrade. The local yard near me has 4 V8 explores and one mountaineer with "good motors". They wouldn't let me touch them on Monday as I was only looking for a upper intake.



Bronco Guru
Dec 19, 2010
That sucks for sure, but just when it seems things can't be any worse a great guy like Chris steps up. We should all strive to be like Chris, thank you for helping out a brother.


Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2010
Man, sorry to hear that Farrell, I know you've been laboring on it hard the past few weeks. Sounds like Chris has the solution!!!
Good Luck!!;D;D

Ben, you know you want to come share in the fun - right????


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
I saw the double gasket thing happen at a dealership. I was standing around waiting for the parts guy to get together some stuff I needed. (6.0 engine parts) there was a new mustang on display. Me and another guy were looking at it. I asked if he was going to buy one. He said he already had and it was in the shop for its first service. About that time his car went past and pulled out onto the road on the side of the dealership. The tech got on it a little as it drove out of sight. He said I dont know why they have to drive it if I'm just getting the oil changed. he was a little pissed I could tell. As his mustang came pulling back into the service writers area the guy went over and was asking the service writer why the guy was hot rodding his car. it was a lube teck that I saw getting out of the car. I stopped the teck as he was walking past and asked him if he had any idea whey the mustang was dripping oil all over the place. The kid gets back into the car and drives it back to the service bay. The service guy and the owner are standing there wondering why the guy drove away. I told them the car was leaking oil all over the place and the took it back. I showed the two the oil all over the place. you could see a trail coming up to where he had parked it. The owner kinda freaked out and started yelling at the service guy. Why are you driving my car, why did he drive it back to the service bay, you owe me a motor! crap like that. Long story just to say it's a rookie mistake, it happens more than you might think. Sucks that it happened to you. It is super nice that another motor was offered up. Hang in there. It should get better.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2014
Double Oak, TX
Farrell, that really stinks. I still have my original 302 sitting in the shed from when I swapped in the explorer engine. It ran ok, did not burn oil or leak just had a little valve tapping and I got a great deal on my new one. It is yours if you want it. I bet we could get it in in one weekend.

That would give you time to evaluate upgrade options or rebuild yours.

Let me know.


Outstanding!!! This is the kind if thing that reassures my faith in humanity. Good luck Farrell.