Bronco Guru
The Cleveland was not 'cast off' to Australia. quite the opposite in fact. Australian Ford tooled to build the most advnaced design then in the FoMoco inventory. They continued to build it long after we did.
Nothing about the C was inherently inefficient or 'dirty..quite the opposite in fact..IF it was producing the power it was designed to. That objective was what was compromised by both smog and CAFE regs and de-tuning the C's resulted in pigs. The obsolescent Windsor family with its small ports and runners was much easier to deal with in a low-power, low-compression smog configuration.
BTW..289/302s existed before 351Ws, remember. Ford took the identical approach with both engine families, in fact. Both had a short deck block and a tall deck block to cover a wider range of displacement options.
I always chuckle when I see folks so often opine that the 'W' is better supported by the performance aftermarket and therefore better to build. It arguably may be now..but back in the early 70s, if you had suggested that anyone make performance heads for Windsor engines, they would have laffed you out of the room. Why on earth would anyone do that?..just buy a 'C' or at least put 'C' heads on yr 302/351W. There was a time when the 'C' and the Clevors ruled..and aftermarket support for various Clevor configurations was common. I still have an old Fed Mogul perf catalog and there is an entire section of Clevor stuff.
Once again I must get involved and correct you, you miss spelled " laughed";D It's not laffed, %)