I can not express enough appreciation for the support and encouraging words from everybody. Especially Chris and David and others who have offered tools, engines and time to lend a hand. Because of this, I was able to finish the day in a pretty good state of mind rather than completely pissed off (like I was was earlier in the day).
Now, time to get heading back in the right direction. I am going to get back in the garage tonight and go ahead and start disconnecting and removing everything needed to snatch the motor out of it. Need to track down an engine stand to store this motor on it while I figure out what my long term solution is. Thanks to Chris, I will be bale to enjoy the Bronco while I go through this process.
I went ahead and ordered the How to Rebuild Ford Small Block Engines Book. I figure reading this book will help me not only understand the process but also help me decide what direction i want to go.
Again, forever grateful to the support you guys are expressing - F