...>Yes, it's a C4 trans. Not sure if original to truck (prob not) I think I may hold off (for now) on changing the trans fluid. It seems clean, bright red - like New !
That's good news, but you're ok to change it anyway. As far as I know, all C4's took Type-F fluid no matter what they came out of and no matter what year.
The C6 used Type-F in early versions and Dexron in later years (like my '79 does).
> 75w/90 synthetic for all gear boxes - really ?
Yep. In my case I used it in the front and rear diffs, 3-speed manual transmission and the D20 transfer case. Even used it for a short time in the manual steering gearbox, but changed over to a thicker 140 based synthetic with grease mixed in.
All gear boxes worked perfectly and, where applicable, shifted like butter.
Ran that setup for close to 75k miles like that. Just changed the lube every 25 to 35 thousand miles. Cheap insurance...
> If not E3 plugs, What's preferred for the 302 - NGK, Motorcraft ? I have not run the E3's in the 302 before, but I've had good luck w/them in other vehicles. I just want good spark/reliability...
I don't see anything wrong with trying your preferred plug to see how it works in your 302. But it's hard to go wrong with Motorcraft/Autolite parts too. Usually standard tips, rather than fancy platinum or irridium types. Because we're not dealing with 100k mile tuneups here (more like 10k!), unless you have some super wazoo big dog ignition, the standards seem to work well.
Also how about cap/rotor - have trouble finding decent set, also the cap base to go along with a new (preferred blue) cap?
I've never been too brand conscious because I didn't need to be 40 years ago. Now it's another story though!
But here again, Motorcraft or Autolite or Standard Motor Products are going to be pretty decent. As long as you always opt for the brass contact point stuff, rather than the less expensive and less durable aluminum versions.
Your local supplier will know what they have in either style, so just specify brass.
So am I correct with wiring the shifters new NSS switch in between the wire from the starter solenoid to the starter (in my case it's the smaller gauge green wire)?
Should be the smaller gauge Red w/blue wire. You can double check yours though, by inspecting the smaller 90° push-on connector usually on the left side of the starter relay/solenoid.
The right side is usually a small Brown wire. That's for ignition duties, so not the one you want. The other one "should be" a Red w/blue wire. That's the one that you need to track back to the firewall or ignition switch.
Wire one side of your NSS to the ignition switch side of the wire, and the other to the starter relay side of the wire. Just like you were saying.
> I'll try to get a better shot of the org. glove box fuse block
Thanks. Appreciate you taking the time. Your pics were actually better than most already. So figure you're a good one to get some great reference shots for a '75.
Is yours the one we were talking about just a few days ago that was built in Nov of '74?