Well, I reckon the time has come for me to spill the beans/cut the cheese/release the Kraken (choose one). Please keep in mind that it's not really my fault because I may have been dropped on my head as a baby, possibly more than once and likely from quite a distance.
I was considering making up a long, drawn-out tale along the lines of, "Long, long ago, in the the magical, mystical, made-up land of Bewemi there lived a cranky, contankerous knave by the name of Howaldo... And then I realized that this saga is already long and drawn-out, and that the truth is often stranger and more boring than fiction, so I might as well serve up the real beans, regardless of any flatulance that it might cause.
This Bronco is my third Bronco go-round. The first two were really great fun, but I never liked the huge forehead, ginormous wart of the wipers. Yeah, I know it's 'classic', and 'iconic', but, so what, each to his own. I started thinking about dropping the wipers to the bottom of the windshield, and asked myself,"howmi gonna do that?' Suffice to say, there was a lot of trial and mostly error. Pondering seeds were planted
and honed, and refined
and further refined.
and yet again.
And then I learned that several members here had already blazed the trail. But had not made a map.
https://classicbroncos.com/forums/threads/buck-n-a-bronco.286019/page-3 See post #50. Eventually, I got a whiff of the 'secret ingredient' and stored that knowledge in the deep, dark recesses of my mind - where it was lost until a few days ago.
Keep in mind that I ain't no spring chicken, and neither is this project. I've been hanging out with you cowboys here and getting Bronco #3 not done yet for nigh onto 13 years. In that time. I've also been accumulating pieces and parts for the project and putting them on the shelf until needed. Remember the whiff of the 'secret ingredient'? Well, I dis-remembered I had one of those also.
Fast forward to time being. So I'm working on the wiring, getting stuck and stymied all the time as I struggle toward the elusive 'done'. Nearing the midpoint of the wiring, I get to the point where the transmission shifter becomes a player, due to the neutral safety switch, back-up lights, etc. All fine and dandy, I say, I got this, I say, as I head to the parts shelves to get the Lokar shift cable to connect the C4 tranny to the 70's Mustang shifter, and.....
I find the box empty!! What the.....? Only thing in the box were the instructions, which I rarely read, but, this time I looked at the pictures and saw.....
the cable I had used as the 'secret ingredient'! Well, gosh-darn, I thought, if that don't beat all - use the wrong part for an unrelated purpose, and have it work out pretty dad-gum good, all things considered!
I guess that could be explained under the "Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then" clause, or perhaps the "God looks after fools and children" clause, either one, or both, could fit.
At any rate, that's my story, I'm stickin' to it, and that's the 'sausage' about the Australian wipers!
Editors Note: This has been a lot of fun for me, both the project and the story. I do hope it doesn't cause a flurry of copy cats. Perhaps I shot myself in the foot, but remember, your Bronco is a CLASSIC, keep it that way. Also, Australian wipers are a lot of work to accomplish something only another Bronco afficianado will notice.
Happy Trails to All! Howard in beautiful West Michigan