Mark, I am
sooo close...... Runs great, steers, brakes seem to sorta work, haven't put the wheels back on yet (due to bleeding the brakes). It's got coolant in it, but not enuff yet because I still hope to sexy up the heater hoses. You probably never heard those words before, I'd bet. Got armrests

today via EBuy. Should match the rest if the interior pretty decent +/-. I really am enjoying working on the wing windows. (Could that be why Broncos never get 'done'?) The new wing window rubbers are at the post office, pick 'em up tomorrow. Yesterday picked up a tool box for the trailer

to store the basket-type over the wheel ratchet straps in. Tuesday we're going to Mayo (the clinic, not the condiment) for an open-ended visit. Also bought some roll bar clamps I hope use to attach the safari top to the roll cage.

So, Mark, I'd say the completion date/drive date is the same as it's been for the last 12 years - probably in a month or so.