Tally Board Update:
NGA $0,000.00
El Kenbong 500.00
Wsager 1,000
Dave 713 1,200.00
Beau 1,500.00
Stout22 1,722.22 and not a penny more
Gnsteam 1,750
Kbpony 1,800
Tasker 2,000
SpeedeRandy 2,150.00
LUBr 2,750.00
That's a pretty impressive list of EB afficianados right there! One more would make it an even dozen........
It has just been announced that, according to reliable sources, the FABULOUS tbd prize for guessing how Dutch How is has been d'ed, that is, determined! While still in final engineering stages, leaked copies of the preliminary design show that How is
really Dutch and was likely dropped on his head as a baby, probably more than once, and from quite a distance. When pressed for details, the spokesperson declined to respond, but did hand out a picture
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that was said to be a clue. Final awarding of the FABULOUS and secrecy-cloaked prize is likely to be this week depending on weather and whether How can get up and down off a creeper fast enough to get his 'to do' list to done. Includuding the enigmatic prize. Stay tuned, more news as it becomes available......