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SCARY!!! Hand this over tomorrow. Updated More Pics



New Member
Jan 8, 2009
Los Angeles
Yep, drive it some and something quits working......welcome to driving a Bronco.....;D;D;D

Drove it again tonight without the dimmer on and they worked 98 percent of the way. The truck is only 42 years old I thought everything was going to work perfect.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2002
Congratulations on your Bronco. On mine everytime I fixed something I felt great, one more thing done! That's the attitude you need to have. After a few years of fixing it worked perfectly for a long time.

My headlights were flickering once so i just put in a new headlight switch from Kragen. Cheap and easy. A lot of these kind of problems can be a loose connection or bad ground somewhere on a 40 year old Bronco!


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Yeah, common problem. If it happens again before you get it fixed, unplug one light from the system. Just reach behind either one and pull the plug. That way there is only half the load on the old switch and it should stay on long enough to get you home.
Better one light than no lights!!! Not real fun on a dark and twisty mountain road, eh?

A lot of us have upgraded to a more modern relay system to run the lights. Takes 90% of the load off the switch and at the same time puts more available power to the lights.
So not only are your same lights now brighter, but the switch doesn't complain anymore either.
Still time to replace the switch, but the pressure is off.
